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Create your Own Manor! I, as the King/Queen, need to approve your plans to develop the land that I have give to you. Your job is to draw up a visual.

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Presentation on theme: "Create your Own Manor! I, as the King/Queen, need to approve your plans to develop the land that I have give to you. Your job is to draw up a visual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Create your Own Manor! I, as the King/Queen, need to approve your plans to develop the land that I have give to you. Your job is to draw up a visual plan (map/picture) of the major you envision and hope that you will receive my blessing for. Here is what you will need to build: Cottages for the serfs Your manor house (make sure it is large and reflects your status as a trusted noble) Blacksmith shop Well (where you get water) Orchard (where fruit trees go) At least 4 fields of equal size that can be used for planting or pasture A mill for grinding grain into flour A community oven Roads A Church!!!

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