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Seminar “Towards Implementation Strategy on International Standards on Economic Statistics in Africa” 6 – 9 July 2010.

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1 Seminar “Towards Implementation Strategy on International Standards on Economic Statistics in Africa” 6 – 9 July 2010

2 Data Sources Section 51(1) of the BOM Act 2004 stipulates that the Bank may require any financial institution to furnish, at such time and in such manner and form as may be approved by the Bank, such information and data as the Bank may require for the proper discharge of its functions and responsibilities under the banking laws In fact, the main data sources for the collection of statistical data are returns submitted by banks in a timely manner and according to their respective frequency and periodicity

3 Other Data Sources Certain data are also collected from:
Non-Bank Deposit-Taking Institutions Money-Changers (Bureaux de Change) Foreign Exchange Dealers Ministries and other public corporations Stock Exchange Different Divisions of the BOM given that a significant amount of data is generated internally

4 Also Companies that have to abide by:
Section 51A(2) of the Bank of Mauritius Act 2004, which stipulates that “the Bank may, by notice in writing, require any person to furnish, within such time and in such form and manner as the Bank may determine, such information and data as the Bank may require for the preparation of the balance of payments accounts and the external assets and liabilities position of Mauritius.” Section 5(1)(d) stipulates that the Bank shall collect, compile, disseminate, on a timely basis, monetary and related financial statistics

5 Accessibilty Electronic-Based
Statistical data are posted on the BOM Website, thereby giving users access to the data being disseminated by the Statistics Division The data are disseminated in line with an Advance Release Calendar (ARC), which is posted on the BOM Website at the beginning of each year since 2008 Dissemination as per the ARC is tantamount to moving in the direction of “Quick Transparency” that is, disseminating the data as soon as they are produced BOM National Summary Data Page (NSDP) provides “Economic and Financial Data for Mauritius”

6 Paper-Based Publications
BOM produces various publications with lags: Monthly Statistical Bulletin Annual Report Annual Report on Banking Supervision Financial Stability Report (twice-yearly) Inflation Report (twice-yearly)

7 Under Section 33(2) of the BOM Act 2004,
The Bank shall publish - (a) at least once a year, statements on its monetary policy; (b) at least twice a year, statements on price stability and on the stability and soundness of the financial system.

8 Collaboration between National Agencies
Memoranda of Understanding between the Bank of Mauritius and other Institutions on the Exchange of Supervisory Information

9 MOU with Local Institutions:
Financial Services Commission 05-Dec-02 Central Statistics Office 04-Mar-09 Financial Intelligence Unit 12-Nov-09 Mauritius Revenue Authority 31-Dec-09

10 Central Statisitics Office
MOU sets out a framework for structured collaboration to promote quality statistics and avoid overlapping and duplication in the collection and production of statistical information. Purpose is also to meet, inter alia, international obligations and collaborate in the development and implementation of best practices. Working groups have been set up to work on various topics in order to enhance the collaboration between the two institutions. Sharing of database while respecting confidentiality clauses

11 Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
MOU sets out the framework for cooperation between the Bank and the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) for the sharing of relevant and timely information relating to the detection and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. It also aims to ensure that effective regulatory and legal action is taken where appropriate.

12 Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA)
MOU seeks to promote mutual assistance between the Bank and the MRA in an effort to combat tax evasion, money laundering and terrorist financing. Under the MOU, the Bank and the MRA have agreed to promote co-operation and co-ordination in areas of mutual interest and share information relevant to the exercise of their functions. This sharing of information under the MOU will also enable the Bank to gauge the activities in the real economy.

13 Thank You

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