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People and the Environment

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1 People and the Environment
Lesson 5th 5th Grade.

2 Factors encouraging Settlement :
Almost 300 million people live in the United States. However, many areas are not crowded. Factors encouraging Settlement : -Climate -Soil -Water -Landforms

3 Land Use How People Use the Land.
Landforms, bodies of water, climate, and vegetables can influence land use or how the land is used. Natural Resources: Is something found in the nature that people can use. (Soil, plants, water, and minerals.)

4 Renewable resources Are resources that can be made again by people or nature: -water -Trees -Resources of energy such as light and wing.

5 Non renewable resources
Are resources that cannot be made again by people, or resources that would take thousands of years for nature to replace: -Ores -Minerals -oil -Gas that people remove from the Earth.

6 Changing the Environment
Americans modify, or change the land. They modify the land so that they are able to live on it and meet their needs: Using Water: Irrigation allow people to bring water to dry areas. Is the use of canals, ditches, or pipes to move water. Efficiency: Using less energy to do the same task. Using the land: They cut down trees to make lumber and paper products. They dig wells to pump oil out the earth. They also build mines to gather minerals and plow land to plant new crops.

7 REVIEW 1- How do people adapt to and change the environment? 2- Write a sentence that uses the word modify. 3- Why do people use pipes to move water to dry places? 4- How has the physical environment influenced the settlement of the United States?

8 Vocabulary Land use Natural resource Renewable resource Nonrenewable resource Modify Irrigation efficiency

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