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SCE013 – Overleaf Trial Project Approach.

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1 SCE013 – Overleaf Trial Project Approach

2 Background This project aims to support the Project Sponsor and Business Lead in putting forward a viable business case for the on-going funding of an online LaTeX collaborative writing and publishing tool called Overleaf. The project will  achieve this by: Defining and implementing appropriate measures that will help support the business case Identifying and implementing methods for encouraging user participation in pilot across additional schools Summarising and presenting collated data in a format suitable for inclusion in business case.

3 Project Timeline

4 Overleaf Trial Approach – Data Gathering
The following metrics will be gathered: Number of registered users Number of collaborated projects per month Percentage split across colleges Ranked list of usage across schools Split between staff, post graduates and under graduates The information will be gathered by the following means: Monthly metric sent from Overleaf Software Services team to download monthly report from Overleaf and upload to Software Services Wiki Identified resource to conduct any necessary data cleanse (e.g. missing departments)

5 Overleaf Trial Approach - Marketing
Overleaf A4 posters to be placed displayed at site libraries and Main Library (Victoria Dishon) Highlight trial to all colleges via the corresponding CPAGs (Victoria Dishon) Create blog entry on Software Services wiki for June and September (Frances Provan) Update category for Overleaf so that it appears under the categories: (Frances Provan) Mathematics Text editors Text formatting Update Overleaf web page with tag for LaTeX (Frances Provan) Send out university tweet promoting trial and sign up (Victoria Dishon) Update in-house run LaTeX courses to include mention of Overleaf (Alison Kellas) Investigate possibility of Overleaf running webinar or an onsite workshop for the University (Antonis Giannopoulos)

6 Overleaf Trial Approach – Data Presentation
On completion of the trial (October 2018) the project will deliver the following: A high level business case metrics report (PowerPoint presentation) composed of the following sections: Business Need/Business Problem Options Benefits Costs and funding plan Risks and assumptions Appendix with charts displaying data from trial

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