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POSITION?? where is it?? By Carl John Gador.

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Presentation on theme: "POSITION?? where is it?? By Carl John Gador."— Presentation transcript:

1 POSITION?? where is it?? By Carl John Gador

2 It was 19th day of January

3 when a boy named Carl celebrated his birthday
when a boy named Carl celebrated his birthday. It was a day that he considered that day as not a happy one. It’s because none of his friends greeted him.

4 He spent half of the day sitting near the tree, thinking what he must do.

5 In the corner, he noticed a man, a tall white man
In the corner, he noticed a man, a tall white man. He also noticed the man that he was looking for something. Fortunately, the tall white man went to Carl. And the man noticed that Carl is lonely.

6 The man was confused, so he asked again,
But Carl just answered him numbers, But the man ignored it instead he asked again the boy, Carl answered immediately, So the tall white man asked him. “What?? What shall I do with that numbers?” “What’s the matter?” “ I’m lonely because my friends didn’t greet me a happy birthday.” “Where is the nearest restaurant here?” “It’s a coordinates.” “-160m and 130m.”

7 Then the tall white man got the idea. And he thought for a while.
The man used coordinates instead of streets. He used the origin of this coordinate system of a landmark, he used positive (+) and negative (-) signs for directions, and he described the distances instead of counting the number of streets of blocks. In this case, the restaurant’s position is describes as follows: starting from the origin, move 130m along the positive y-axis and then 160m parallel to the negative x-axis. In general, any position in the map may be specified by indicating the number of units and in what direction (+ or -) along the y-axis, and the number of units and in what direction (+ or -) along the x-axis. This idea is summarized in the following: For example, the restaurant on the map has coordinates (-160m, 130m). This means that starting from the origin we move 160m toward the negative x-axis and 130m toward the positive y-axis to get to the restaurant. Recalling algebraic coordinate systems, the position of any point is specified by it’s x- and y- coordinate tells us the number of units, while it’s sign tells us the direction (toward + or – axis). The position of an object is describe by specifying the number of units that would be transverse along the x-axis direction and the number of units that would be transverse along the y-axis to get to the object if we start from the origin.

8 y-axis position 130m x-axis -160m origin

9 Knowing the position of the restaurant, the tall white man invited Carl to go with him, for a celebration to Carl’s birthday.

10 And they arrived at the restaurant

11 and Carl became happy that day.

12 the end POSITION?? WHERE IS IT?? cast of characters Carl
CARL JOHN GADOR the end POSITION?? WHERE IS IT?? cast of characters Carl The tall white man THANK YOU!!! that’s all…

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