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Neuroscience and Behavior

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Presentation on theme: "Neuroscience and Behavior"— Presentation transcript:

1 Neuroscience and Behavior
Chapter 2

2 Information systems of humans and animals remarkably similar

3 The Nervous System

4 The Neuron Intercellular communication occurs due to

5 The Neuron Parts of the neuron : The The Synapse

6 Neural Communication To bridge the synapse, neurons use
Common are (Ach), Dopamine, (5ht) Action potential causes these chemical messengers to be released from the terminal and into the

7 Neural Communication : The Signal
Neurons communicate by passing an electrical signal down The signal then passes into the and through the cell body (soma)

8 Neural Communication : The Signal
What is the signal? Depending on the fiber, this signal can go as slow as This signal can either be inhibitory or

9 Neural Communication : The Signal
If the signal is then it causes the threshold of the target cell to decrease If the signal is then it causes the threshold of the target cell to increase

10 Neural Communication If the signal is strong enough, then it is passed down that neuron’s If the signal is not strong enough, then the process stops until the next signal is passed

11 Neural Communication Neurotransmitters cause the to open small pores on its surface Once the neurotransmitter has opened the pore, it is reabsorbed into the

12 Neural Communication To add complexity to this issue…
There are 2 major types of neurons in the body

13 Influence of Neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters have dedicated neural pathways in the brain

14 See table 2.1 in the text.

15 Neurotransmitter Influence
Each pathway that a travels has a different effect on

16 Endorphins Endo ( ) (m)orphine Natural opiates released in response to
Also known as Natural opiates released in response to

17 Neurotransmitter Influence
Other drugs/chemicals affect brain chemistry at synapses by a neuron’s firing

18 Nervous System Two Major Divisions of the nervous system
Central Nervous System (CNS)

19 Nervous System Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System

20 Peripheral Nervous System
Processing of information from this system occurs in two distinct areas

21 The Somatic System Voluntary movement

22 The Autonomic Nervous System
Two Subsystems

23 The Autonomic Nervous System

24 The Peripheral Nervous System

25 Central Nervous System
The Brain Spinal cord

26 Central Nervous System : The Spinal Cord
In order to feel , information must reach the brain One motor neuron, one sensory neuron Often connected Why is it important that the interneuron network exist?

27 The Endocrine System

28 The Endocrine System Another way of passing information from one part of the body to the next This one uses

29 The Endocrine System Why have these chemical messengers?
What do hormones influence? Hormones affect interest in sex, food, aggressive behavior (FFF)

30 The Endocrine System : Main Parts
Adrenal Glands These hormones affect the response

31 The Endocrine System Pituitary Gland Works in a feedback loop

32 The Brain

33 The Brain Parts of the Brain

34 The Brain – Older Structures
These structures are found from monkeys down to snakes Oldest parts of the brain Some scientists believe these structures have similar structures in dinosaur brains

35 The Brain – Older Structures -

36 The Brain – Older Structures
Reticular Formation Thalamus RF – involved in arousal, damage causes irreversible coma, filters information coming out of the spinal cord and into the thalamus Thalamus – receives information from all senses except smell

37 The Brain – Older Structures
Enables non-verbal learning Helps judge time, , discriminate sounds/textures

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