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Created by Educational Technology Network

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1 Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009

2 CHAMP Behavior in Hallway CHAMP Behavior in Cafeteria
CHAMP Behavior in Classroom CHAMP Behavior on Bus Misc. CHAMP 10 20 30 40 50

3 Hallways- 10 Carrying a hallway pass with you

4 What is Preparedness?

5 Hallways-20 Staying positive as you move through crowded hallways

6 What is attitude?

7 Hallways - 30 Saying “sorry” or “excuse me” when bumping into or walking in front of another person

8 What is honor?

9 Hallways - 40 Walking on the right side of the hallway and paying attention to where you are going

10 What is mindfulness?

11 Hallways - 50 Not using the hallway as an opportunity to reveal immodest clothing or using inappropriate language

12 What is character?

13 Cafeteria- 10 Staying positive in a noisy and hectic environment

14 What is attitude?

15 Cafeteria -20 Staying within the lobby area during your lunch period

16 What is mindfulness?

17 Cafeteria - 30 Having your lunch money and POS number ready for cafeteria staff

18 What is preparedness?

19 Cafeteria -40 Being kind and showing appreciation to the cafeteria workers

20 What is Honor?

21 Cafeteria - 50 Keeping all food and drink on the table and cleaning up after yourself

22 What is character?

23 Classroom- 10 Bring essential materials to class daily and being in your seat when the bell rings

24 What is preparedness?

25 Classroom-20 Being positive even in classes that are not your favorite subject

26 What is attitude?

27 Classroom -30 Placing your possessions under the desk and staying in your seat/ assigned area until the bell rings

28 What is mindfulness?

29 Classroom- 40 Listening to others and making constructive comments in response

30 What is honor?

31 Classroom- 50 Placing trash in the proper receptacle and encouraging others in a positive manner

32 What is character?

33 Bus - 10 Treating your time on the bus as part of your school day by using appropriate language and appropriate level of voice

34 What is honor?

35 Bus - 20 Being positive on a crowded bus with many conversations going on at once

36 What is attitude?

37 Bus - 30 Being on time at the bus stop and remembering your assigned seat number

38 What is preparedness?

39 Bus - 40 Helping others and using appropriate language on the bus

40 What is character?

41 Bus - 50 Staying seated and keeping all items with you and out of the aisles

42 What is mindfulness?

43 Miscellaneous- 10 Leaving the bathroom in a cleaner condition than you found it

44 What is honor?

45 Miscellaneous- 20 This has been earned in order to receive one free coffee in the library

46 What is five champ checks?

47 Miscellaneous- 30 If you are at a school function like a sporting event or dance and report something that concerns you

48 What is mindfulness?

49 Miscellaneous- 40 This has been earned in order to be the Friday DJ

50 What are Twenty Champ Checks?

51 Miscellaneous - 50 This has been earned in order to purchase one of the 30 available prom tickets

52 What are seventy-five Champ Checks?

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