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Presentation on theme: "Monologues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monologues

2 What is a Monologue Noun
1.a form of dramatic entertainment, comedic solo, or the like by a single speaker :a comedian's monologue. 2.a prolonged talk or discourse by a single speaker, especially one dominating or monopolizing a conversation. 3.any composition, as a poem, in which a single person speaks alone. 4.a part of a drama in which a single actor speaks a line; soliloquy.

3 Monologues Monologues are often paired with a contrasting monologue.
This can be a comic monologue paired with a dramatic monologue. Or it can mean classical paired with contemporary. The choice of monologues for an audition can often depend on the play in question or the role the actor wants to land. The audition monologue is a rite of passage with theatre actors and a tradition that continues today.

4 Types of Monologues Interior monologues involve a character externalizing their thoughts so that the audience can witness experiences that would otherwise be mostly internal. A dramatic monologue involves one character speaking to another character. Monologues can also be divided along the lines of active and narrative monologues. An active monologue a character is using their speech to achieve a clear goal. Narrative monologues simply involve a character telling a story and can often be identified by the fact that they are in the past tense Humorous or Comedy Monologues they make everyone laugh, build your confidence, and loosen up the auditors.

5 Where do I use said Monologues
Auditioning for play and or movie. Some schools will give you scholarships for your monologue.

6 11 Tips for monologues 1. Find out what types of pieces are acceptable. 2. Know whom you are auditioning for and what types of projects they cast.  3. Choose a monologue that features you in a role you might easily be cast in. 4. Or, go against type to demonstrate your range 5. Avoid monologues you’ve written yourself— unless you’re really, really good.

7 11 Tips for Monologues 6. Read the whole script.
7. Know your monologue backwards, forwards, and inside and out. 8. Time your monologue precisely. 9. At the audition, state your name clearly, along with the title, role, and writer’s name 10. Own the space and think of it as a performance.  11. If time runs out before you finish, end gracefully

8 What do you need for you Monologue
Your pick of a Interior monologues, A dramatic monologue, Active monologue, Narrative monologues, A humorous(comedy) monologue. Length of said monologue should be 3-4 minutes no longer than 5 minutes. You must recite it from memory!

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