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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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1 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Exposed to traumatic event The person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness or horror witnessed, or was confronted with an event involving actual or threatened death, serious injury The traumatic event is re-experienced in one or more of the following ways Recurrent images, thoughts, recurrent distressing dreams of the event Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma and numbing as indicated by 3 or more: Avoiding thoughts, feelings, or discussion, activities, places or people that bring back recollections; sense of foreshortened future, feeling detached Persistent symptoms of increased arousal by 2 or more: Difficulty falling or staying asleep, Irritability or outbursts of anger Difficulty concentrating Duration for more than 1 month

2 1-14% community, 3-58% in at-risk populations
25-30% lifetime prevalence in Vietnam veterans 85% in concentration camp survivors 30% recover completely 40% continue with mild symptoms 20% moderate symptoms 10% unchanged or worsen

3 Examples of Traumatic Events
Complicated or unexpected bereavements Accidents Captivity Violent crime Sexual trauma Chronic physical abuse Military combat Natural disasters Manufactured disasters

4 Treatment Talking about the trauma allowing
Individual or group therapy, hypnosis , followed by support Pharmacotherapy Psychotherapy Relaxation Training

5 DREAMS Detachment Re-experiencing the event Emotional effects
Avoidance Month in Duration Sympathetic hyperactivity or hypervigilance

6 PTSD Questionnaire

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