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Chapter 12, section 4 By: jessie smith, kristen goddard, liza haines, maddie pifer, abbi ruediger, and kerri springer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12, section 4 By: jessie smith, kristen goddard, liza haines, maddie pifer, abbi ruediger, and kerri springer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12, section 4 By: jessie smith, kristen goddard, liza haines, maddie pifer, abbi ruediger, and kerri springer

2 The u.s. latin america Cuba and puerto rico became protectorates to the united states after the spanish- american war The u.s. became involved in latin america because they wanted to dominate trade with latin american countries and to have more over all power U.s. formed the panama canal, added the roosevelt corollary to the monroe doctrine, and created dollar diplomacy

3 Revolution in mexico Caused by tremendous disagreement among the mexican people over the dictatorship of porfirio dìaz Power and wealth were concentrated in the hands of a select few The people had no power to express their opinions or select public officials Injustice was everywhere

4 Revolution in mexico; continued
Who was influential to the revolution? Francisco madero was a liberal landowner who forced dìaz from power in 1911 Pancho villa was a mexican revolutionary guerilla leader who joined madero’s uprising against dìaz Emiliano zapata led the agrarian reform and aroused the masses of landless peasants and seized the estates of wealthy landownders

5 What became of mexico (post revolution)
caused great damage to the Mexican economy. a new constitution was enacted in 1917 and set down many goals of the revolution For revolutionary leaders, the goal was political reform. For peasants, it was about land reform. T the constitution set up a government led by a president and elected by men created land-reform policies, established limits on foreign investors, and set an agenda to help the workers the revolution helped bring about a more democratic and politically stable Mexico

6 Prosperity and social change
LATIN AMERICAN PROSPERITY CHANGED AROUND THE 1900’S Caused mainly by the export of a few basic items Wheat, beef from Argentina, coffee from Brazil, coffee and bananas from Central America, and sugar and silver from Peru These foodstuffs and raw materials were largely exchanged for goods such as textiles, machines, and luxury items from Europe and the United States

7 Prosperity and social change continued
CHARACTERISTICS SHARED BY THE MIDDLE CLASS LATIN AMERICANS lived in cities and sought education and decent incomes. saw the United States as a model, especially in regard to industrialization. WANTED liberal reform, not revolution. After they had the right to vote, they sided with the landholding elites.

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