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Proposal for an amendment for C&G Paper: Status of the process

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1 Proposal for an amendment for C&G Paper: Status of the process
CB Forum Meeting 17 June 2013, Brussels DG ENVIRONMENT EUROPEAN COMMISSION

2 Proposal for an amendment for C&G Paper EU Ecolabel criteria was presented by FI and SE CBs at the last CB Forum meeting (4th March 2013). Proposal: Derogation for the risk phrases R50 (H400 Very toxic to aquatic life) and R52/53 (H412 Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects) in criterion 4(e) on 'Residual monomers'. 2

3 Sub criterion 4(e) states the following:
The total quantity of residual monomers (excluding acrylamide) that may be or have been assigned any of the following risk phrases (or combinations thereof) and are present in coatings, retention aids, strengtheners, water repellents or chemicals used in internal and external water treatment shall not exceed 100 ppm (calculated on the basis of their solid content): R46, R45, R49, R40, R60, R61, R60/61/60-61, R60/63, R61/62, R50/50-53, R50-53, R51-53, R52-53 and R53. (…) 3

4 Arguments presented by PPG (Polyelectrolyte Producers Group)
• Sub criterion 4(e) addresses different classifications in the same way and is not proportional. • Classification of mixtures with R52/53 starts at a concentration of 25%. • EU Ecolabel criteria allow SVHC substances to be present in the final paper product at concentrations up to 0.1%. • The risk of release of residual monomers to the environment is very low. • Use level is not addressed by EU Ecolabel criteria for C&GP. 4

5 Consultation of CBs 9 CBs (identified in ECAT as having awarded licenses to C&GP products) were consulted (AT, FI, FR, IT, NL, PO, PT, SL and SE). Provide EC with information regarding the polymers used by the holders of the EU Ecolabel licenses, namely: - Trade name - Supplier - Function in the paper making process, - SDS - How the polymer was considered in compliance with sub criterion 4(e) 5

6 3 CBs didn't provide any feedback
Italy updated data on ECAT, as they haven't awarded any license to C&GP products Austrian CB 2 Licenses awarded + 1 Application on-going List of 29 chemicals provided Portuguese CB 1 License awarded List of 9 chemicals provided 6

7 No information on the number of licenses awarded/applications
Swedish CB 3 Licenses awarded + 4 Applications on-going (corresponding to 10 mills) Finish CB No information on the number of licenses awarded/applications Information on non-compliant chemicals was provided French CB 4 Licenses awarded 7

8 Conclusion Revision of EU Ecolabel criteria also aims at encourage industry to adapt their processes and products to stricter environmental requirements, when economically feasible. No amendment procedure will begin, as evidence that the market can offer polymers complying with sub criterion 4(e) was demonstrated. 8

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