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Group Member Names - Class Period

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Presentation on theme: "Group Member Names - Class Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Member Names - Class Period
COMPANY NAME Group Member Names - Class Period

2 Logo & Slogan

3 Description of Business
In (1) or (2) sentences describe your business/product idea.

4 Vision Statement Create a vision statement for your company
A vision statement is a company's road map, indicating both what the company wants to become and guiding transformational initiatives by setting a defined direction for the company's growth.

5 Mission Statement Create a mission statement for your company
A mission statement reflects the overall purpose of the company. What is the company about? Why does the company exist?

Ex: sizes, colors, material

7 Price List (4) examples of your pricing strategy
Ex: Price for (1) set of laces, Price for multiple laces, possible monthly subscription pricing

8 Promotion List (4) promotion examples you will use to make people aware of your product/company Ex: advertisement, posters, billboards, social media, samples

9 Place List (4) examples of how customers will be able to access/purchase your product Ex: website, physical store, display within a store, mobile app

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