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Faculty:- CMA R. Gopal MFM, M.Phil., FCMA Practicing Cost Accountant

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1 Faculty:- CMA R. Gopal MFM, M.Phil., FCMA Practicing Cost Accountant
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India Erode Chapter Cost Audit & XBRL Saturday - Time 6-9 pm. Faculty:- CMA R. Gopal MFM, M.Phil., FCMA Practicing Cost Accountant

2 GENERAL INFORMATION Corporate identity number, Name of company, Address, Current financial year First previous financial year Level of rounding, Reporting currency, Number of cost auditor, Date of board of directors' meeting report has been qualified or has any reservations or contains adverse remarks Consolidated qualifications observations or suggestions Explanation of company related party transactions

3 Particulars of cost auditor
Whether cost auditor is lead auditor Category of cost auditor Firm's registration number Name of cost auditor or cost auditors firm PAN, Address, id Membership number Name of member signing report Name of product or industry SRN number of form CRA-2 Number of audit committee meeting Date and place of signing cost audit

4 Disclosure of cost auditors qualifications or adverse remarks in cost auditors report
Disclosure regarding audit of cost records in conformity with Cost Auditing Standards Disclosure relating to availability of information and explanation for purpose of cost audit Disclosure relating to maintenance of cost records as per rule 5 of the companies cost records and audit rules 2014 Disclosure relating to availability of cost records of branches not visited Disclosure regarding availability of information as per companies act 2013 Disclosure relating to adequacy of internal audit of cost records Disclosure relating to true and fair view of cost of production or service cost of sales margin and other information Disclosure relating to availability of audited and certified cost statements and schedules for each unit and each product or service Cost auditors observations or suggestions

5 Cost accounting policy
Disclosure regarding identification of cost centres, cost objects and cost drivers Disclosure regarding accounting for material cost including packing materials, stores and spares, employee cost, utilities and other relevant cost components Disclosure regarding accounting, allocation and absorption of Overheads Disclosure regarding accounting for depreciation or amortization Disclosure regarding accounting for by products, joint products and scraps or wastage Disclosure regarding basis of inventory valuation Disclosure regarding valuation of inter unit or inter company and related party transaction Disclosure regarding treatment of abnormal and non-recurring costs including classification of non-cost items

6 Product Group Details Name of product or service
CETA Sub heading of CETA UOM Whether previous year figures are reported Details for not reporting previous year figures Net operational revenue of current year and previous year Other operating incomes of company Other incomes of company Extraordinary income Turnover as per excise or service tax records

7 Quantitative Information
For current year and previous year Installed capacity Capacity enhanced, Capacity available Self manufactured, lease, Production as per excise records Domestic purchase Imports Change in stock of finished goods Other qty adjustments (WASTAGES etc.) Domestic sales / services trading Export notes

8 RAW MATERIAL - current year & previous year
Name CETA SUB CETA Nature UOM Quantity Rate Cost of material

9 UTILITY Current Year and previous year
Description Unit Quantity Rate cost

previous year and current year data Description Cost TEXT

11 Abridged Cost Statement
Cost of process materials, Cost of direct employees Cost of direct expenses, Cost of stores and spares Cost of repairs and maintenance quality control packing (primary & secondary) Cost of research and development Cost of technical knowhow, depreciation, other production overheads WIP Credit for recoveries Cost of FG purchased self or captive Administrative selling interest MARGIN SALES VALUE

12 Profit reconciliation (for the company as a whole)
PREVIOUS YEAR AND CURRENT YEAR Profit or loss as per cost accounting records Profit (loss) for audited product or services Profit (loss) for unaudited product or services Name of incomes not considered in cost accounts Expenses not considered in cost accounts Difference in stock valuation as per cost and financial Other adjustments Profit (loss) as per financial accounts Notes to profit reconciliation

13 Value addition and distribution of earnings
Company as a whole previous year and current year Earnings available for distribution Gross revenue, Export incentives Other incomes Bought out items salaries, wages, dividend Funds retained taxes Extra Ordinary Expences Other distribution of earnings

14 Financial position and ratio analysis
Share capital Reserves and surplus Long-term borrowings Fixed assets net working capital Capital employed Net worth Financial performance of the company Profitability ratios of the company Other financial ratios of the company Working capital ratios of the company

15 Related Party Transactions
Name of related party Name of product Nature Code CIN PAN AGFREGATE QUANTITY QGGREGATE PRICE AVERAGE PRICE Basis adopted OTHER BASIS

16 Reconciliation Of Indirect Taxes
Assesable Value Excise duty Service tax Cess and others Value added tax

17 Thanks Query plz ?????

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