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Password AL-Salman Mohammed Mohammed Ali Rayan Rasheed.

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Presentation on theme: "Password AL-Salman Mohammed Mohammed Ali Rayan Rasheed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Password AL-Salman Mohammed Mohammed Ali Rayan Rasheed

2 Presentation outline Definition for password.
where we use the password. The ways to detect the password. How to create a difficult password. How to protect your password. Top list of passwords 2015.

3 Password Password: is a set of secret characters or words utilized to gain access to: 1- Computer 3-Data 2- Smartphone 4-Programs 2- Web page 5-WI-FI

4 Password The ways to detect the password: Crack weak password
Social Engineering By sniffer programs

5 Crack the weak password:
1- Dictionary 2- Brute Force Attack is (E3) Example: If the password AA, AB, AC…AZ, A0, A1, A2…A9,BA, BB, BC…BZ, B0, B1, B2…B9....EA, EB, EC…EZ, E0, E1, E2, E3

6 Crack the weak password

7 Password Social Engineering

8 Password Sniffer programs

9 Password How to create a storing password?
1- Not less than 10 characters. 2- mixture of letters, numbers and symbols. Letters: A,B,a,b….. Numbers:1,2,3,4…. Symbols:` ~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ' < > , . ? / 3- Don’t use one word

10 Password How to save your password from being stolen ?)Tips(
1- Don't make password the same as the username. 2- Don't write password on paper. 3- Don’t use one password for all your accounts. 4- Don’t save your password on files in your accounts.

11 Password Top list of passwords 2015

12 Questions?

13 References: Security Fundamentals, TVTC.

14 Thank you

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