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November 9, 2015 SSR: Silent Reading 15 mins. Yes, it is for a grade

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1 November 9, 2015 SSR: Silent Reading 15 mins. Yes, it is for a grade
-10 pts. If talking (every time!) -10 pts. If writing -10 pts. If texting/using social media -automatic 0 if sleeping

2 Today’s Objectives You will “show what you know” about our persuasive graphic organizer by taking a quiz over its various parts in order to cement a solid plan for a score 3 and higher essay You will work with a group to write a persuasive essay using the “I” graphic organizer, transition words, PHIL/specific examples, ethos, pathos, logos, counter argument and call to action

3 Quiz! If you have an electronic device that accesses the internet go to otherwise get a netbook or on the desktop Enter pin Take the quiz

“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Albert Einstein Think carefully about the following statement. Since Einstein time, technology has become an even greater part of our daily lives. Is that a good thing, or has our dependence on technology harmed us? Write an essay stating your position on whether the impact of technology on our society or an your life is beneficial or harmful. Be sure to – State your position clearly Use appropriate organization Provide support for your argument Choose your words carefully Edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling

5 Who can create the best essay?
Only one will win! Prize=100% Everyone else’s essay will be graded on this scale: Score 7=85 -Score 3=40 Score 6=75 -Score 2=30 Score 5=65 -Score 1=20 Score 4=50 -Score 0=0 The best essay will have Organization & structure Specific examples Strong counter argument & call to action At least 3 higher level vocabulary words Use the peach colored rubric in your toolbox section

6 STEP 2: Create a thesis using your T-chart
Make a claim Support it with two examples Use the format: Topic + claim/opinion + because + reason 1 + reason 2 You have 7 minutes

7 STEP 3: Body paragraph 1 Start with a topic sentence that introduces reason #1 (To begin with, ) Add a transition (For example, For instance, or To illustrate this,) Create your specific, detailed example using PHIL and either pathos or logos Conclude with a revelation (Do you realize…or You have 20 minutes

8 STEP 4: Body paragraph 2 Start with a topic sentence that introduces reason #1 (To begin with, ) Add a transition (For example, For instance, or To illustrate this,) Create your specific, detailed example using PHIL and either pathos or logos Conclude with a revelation (Do you realize…or You have 20 minutes

9 STEP 5: Concession & Rebuttal
Concede the other side: show that you have thought about what your opponents would say (choose a reason from the OTHER side of the T-chart) Begin with “Even though” and place a comma before your rebuttal The rebuttal comes after the comma: this is where you restate your thesis in different words You have 5 minutes

10 STEP 6: Call to Action This is your last and most POWERFUL statement
Begin with “Ultimately,” Make sure to use all inclusive words like: everyone, always, never, no one, the whole world, etc. You have 5 minutes

11 STEP 7: Hook Statistic For this essay let’s try a statistic
You may make it up, just ensure that it is BELIEVABLE Example: Nine out of ten people think that Pepsi is better than Sprite. According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, 97% of senior citizens are bad drivers. You have 7 minutes

12 Watch the videos and then answer the questions:
What does RESPECT mean to you? Who do you RESPECT more than anyone else?

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