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Q/A How do you think Carbon would bond with Oxygen? What type of bond do you think this is ? There is actually many ways that Carbon can bond with Oxygen.

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Presentation on theme: "Q/A How do you think Carbon would bond with Oxygen? What type of bond do you think this is ? There is actually many ways that Carbon can bond with Oxygen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q/A How do you think Carbon would bond with Oxygen? What type of bond do you think this is ? There is actually many ways that Carbon can bond with Oxygen. This is because it is a molecular bond, and each atom shares electrons.

2 Covalent Compounds Most of the compounds you encounter every day do not contain ions. They contain neutral groups of atoms called molecules. Molecular compounds are formed when two nonmetal atoms such as hydrogen and oxygen share electrons. The result is a covalent bond- a shared pair of electrons held between two nonmetal atoms.

3 Covalent Bond Between C and H

4 Covalent Bond Between H and O

5 Writing Formulas for Molecular Compounds.
The formulas of many molecular compounds can be predicted The number of electrons that a nonmetal needs to share to become stable is a clue to the number of covalent bonds it can form.

6 The combining capacity of a nonmetal is a measure of the number of covalent bonds that it will need to form a stable molecule. 4 3 2 1 C N O H SI P S F As Se Br I

7 You can use the combining capacity to write the formulas of the molecular compounds.
Ie. Write the formula for a compound formed between C and S. Step 1- write the symbols, with the element with the greatest combining capacity first. C S

8 Step 2- Crisscross the combining capacities to produce transcripts.
C S The formula is C2S4 Step 3- Reduce the subscripts if possible. CS2

9 Naming Molecular Compounds
Many molecular compounds have simple names. The compound H2S is called hydrogen sulfide, much as if it were ionic. The names of molecular compounds often contain prefixes. The prefixes are used to count the number of atoms when the same two elements form different combinations.

10 Common Prefixes mono 1 Carbon monoxide (CO) di 2 Carbon dioxide (CO2)
tri 3 Sulfur trioxide (SO3) tetra 4 Carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) penta 5 Phosphorus pentabromide (PBr5)

11 To Do… Understanding concepts- pg 204 # 1,2,3,5,6
Complete worksheet on covalent compounds.

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