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Roman Numerals Latin 1 Sept. 22-26.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Numerals Latin 1 Sept. 22-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Numerals Latin 1 Sept

2 What are Roman numerals?
There are 7 Roman numerals. I = 1 V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1,000

3 How do Roman numerals work?
To add, place one or more numerals of equal or lesser value after a numeral. 3 III (I+I+I) 6 VI (V+I) 105 CV (C+V)

4 How do Roman numerals work?
To subtract, place a smaller numeral before a larger one. 9 IX (I – X) 4 IV (I – V)

5 Subtraction There are some rules about subtraction.
I, X and C (1, 10, 100) are the only numerals that can be subtracted. I can only be subtracted from V and X. X can only be subtracted from L and C. C can only be subtracted from D and M.

6 Subtraction I V X L C D M I X C

7 How to write Roman numerals
Break down a number into its places: tens, hundreds, thousands Write each section in Roman numerals Arrange the results left-to-right. 46 40 + 6 XL + VI XLVI 125 C+XX+V CXXV

8 53 178 29 543 2011 Let’s practice! 50 + 3 LIII 100 + 70+ 8 CLXXVIII

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