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Chapter 7: Living in the Kingdom of Heaven

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1 Chapter 7: Living in the Kingdom of Heaven
Name: Period: Chapter 7: Living in the Kingdom of Heaven Unit IV: Chapters 7 & 8 Justice in the KOG Prayer for the KOG Definitions (pgs 83-87) Samaritan: ______________________ _______________________________ Pharisee: _______________________ ________________________________ Conscience: _____________________ ________________________________ Grace: __________________________ ________________________________ Sanctification: ___________________ ________________________________ Get Connected: Justice in the Kingdom on Earth (pg. 83) 6. The Church teaches that _________ people are our neighbors. 7. All people are made in ___________ image, so we must respect their _______________. 8. We ensure people’s dignity by: Working for _________________ Ensuring that people everywhere have what they ____________ to live a life of _______________. Hear and Believe: Loving your Neighbor (pg. 86) 9. The Pharisees often tried to question Jesus’ knowledge of the ________________ to prove Jesus was ______________________ it. 10. When the Pharisees asked Jesus which law was the greatest, Jesus responded, “You shall _______________ the ___________ your _____________ with all your _________ and with all your _____________. The ____________ is like it: You shall ________ your _____________ as _________________.” Hear and Believe: Respecting Human Dignity (pg. 87) 12. The parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us that we are to act for the _____________ of others _____________ expecting ______________ _____________ 13. The story of the Good Samaritan, the wounded man represents ________________ who might be ______________ and need our ________________.

2 Chapter 7: Living in the Kingdom of Heaven
19. Through Baptism, we are : United with ____________ who frees us from _____________ Renewed in our _____________ with _________. Given ____________________, which make s us holy. Hear and Believe: The Rich Young Man (pg. 88) 20. Jesus promised that those who follow him by loving God and their neighbor will enjoy __________________ _____________. 21. We don’t gain this heavenly joy on our own, but through God’s ______________, which was gained for us at Christ’s ___________ and _______________. 22. What does the story of the Rich Young Man teach us about our attachment to worldly things? Our Church Teaches (pg. 88) 23. The Kingdom begins with the _________. 24. The Church’s unity reflects the unity of the _________________. 25. We work for ______________ because everyone has _____________. 26. We must always obey _____________’s law above all others. Hear and Believe: Respecting Human Dignity (pg. 87) 13. When Jesus told his listeners which of God’s Laws was the greatest, he revealed that God’s law, expressed in the __________ _____________________, is based on ____________ for ______________, our ________________, and _______________. 14. We show our love by ______________ our ____________ and the dignity of ______ ___________ God _______________. Hear and Believe: Responding to God’s Grace (pg. 87) 15. Our conscience tells us which actions go _____________ the natural sense of ______________ that God gave us in creating us. 16. A morally good act is one that we start, ____________, and ____________ with __________ intentions toward ____________, ____________, and __________. 17. God’s ___________ allows us to ____________ ourselves and others properly. 18. At _______________, the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of grace.

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