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Causes of the American Revolution

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1 Causes of the American Revolution
What did it?

2 French and Indian War (Seven Years War)
War between France and Britain over Ohio River Valley land that Britain won How was it a cause? Who was involved in this war?

3 Proclamation of 1763 Order issued by King George III that moved Georgia’s southern border to the St. Mary’s River and forbade the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. Why was this a cause for the American Revolution?

4 Sugar Act Parliament imposed a tax on sugar and molasses imported from the West Indies. How was this a cause of the American Revolution?

5 Stamp Act Parliament imposed a tax on newspapers, legal documents, and licenses. How was this a cause of the American Revolution?

6 Townshend Acts A series of laws that placed taxes on tea, paper, glass, and coloring for paints. How was this a cause of the American Revolution?

7 Quartering Act A law that required colonists to house and feed British soldiers at their own expense. How was this a cause of the American Revolution?

8 Tea Act Allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonies, so could sell tea for less than colonial merchants could. Resulted in Boston Tea Party How was this a cause of the American Revolution?

9 Intolerable Acts Punished colonists for Tea Party by closing Boston port. Could not meet without British representation Court system changed so British officials couldn’t be punished in colonies Quartering Act How were these a cause of the American Revolution?

10 You Choose Create a cartoon strip that demonstrate Britain’s actions towards the colonists and the colonists reactions. The strip must include 5 of the causes of the American Revolution. You may choose whichever 5 you want. Make sure that you don’t just mention the causes but actually depict the effects they had. Your strip must be at least 8 blocks.

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