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Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 7th Grade Social Studies!
7C Mr. Corbett

2 Teaching Career Graduated from Kennesaw State University
Taught for 21 years; 11th year at Hightower Have taught Science (6-7 regular and AC), AC/Reg. Math, AC/Reg. Social Studies and reading

3 Helpful Hints Check Blog on a regular basis Check Agendas
Monitor work completion on long-term assignments communication Remember that it is the student’s responsibility to do the work and be prepared!

4 Email Address: Blog Address:

5 Area of Study: The Eastern Hemisphere
Geography Review Asia The Middle East Africa We will focus on geography, history, and culture along with application of material to present times. Current Events presentations and discussions Stock Market Game Global Awareness Art/S.S. connection

6 Geography Basic map and globe skills Map quizzes Global Awareness
Physical and Human geography

7 Asia Geography Focus on India & Pakistan, China, Japan, North and South Korea, Vietnam Spotlight on famous historic world leaders from Asia

8 The Middle East Geography, culture, history, religions
Historic conflicts Oil/Economics Common misconceptions

9 Africa History, culture, geography Wildlife/ National Parks
Change/ Progress 4 unique regions: North Africa Eastern/Central Africa West Africa Southern Africa

10 Writing through the Curriculum
Students will be expected to discuss their knowledge of a given region through various writings. These will include DBQs, position papers, speeches, and other assessments.

11 Writing Through the Curriculum…
SAT/ACT College entrance exams Preparation for high school honors or AP history courses Life skill  Application of language arts/writing skills to a given area of study to encourage future success

12 Current Events Students will write summaries and provide informed decisions on regional topics while attempting to “connect the dots”. Students will stay informed of current world issues, discuss how they relate to us, and form educated opinions about these events.

13 Stock Market Game Students will compete against their classmates along with other students across the state of Georgia. Begins in February (We compete in the Spring) Application of economic terms in real-world situations Social Studies/Math/Business Connection

14 The Key to Success in Advanced Social Studies…
Application of knowledge Motivation/effort Work completion “Above and Beyond”

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