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Minority & Environmental Movements

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1 Minority & Environmental Movements

2 Latino Movements Increase in native Spanish-speaking population during/after WWII Cesar Chavez campaigns for migrant farmworkers Work long hours, poor conditions, no benefits Late 1960s: merges existing smaller unions to form United Farm Workers (UFW) Many Mexican Americans Broader Chicano movement for M.A.- more appreciation of heritage, culture, etc Committed to nonviolent tactics Implemented workers’ strike, consumer boycott of table grapes Urged people across nation to boycott California grapes in order to win recognition from growers 1975: CA passed a law requiring collective bargaining between growers & union representatives - finally had legal basis for asking for better working conditions!

3 Native Americans Long history of discrim., high poverty/unemploy/suicide American Indian Movement (AIM) --- civil rights issues Wounded Knee (1973) Greater control over reservations

4 Consumer Protection Disabilities
Ralph Nader, Unsafe at Any Speed (1965): did automakers make unsafe products in quest for profit? Helped make seatbelts standard Disabilities Est. Special Olympics (1968)

5 Environmental Activism
Rachel Carson, Silent Spring (1962): deadly impact of pesticides on birds, etc.  actions harm environ AND people themselves Byproducts of industrialization (toxic waste, etc.) Earth Day! April 22 (began as nationwide protest) Prez. Nixon EPA: 1970 Clean Air Act (’70), Clean Water Act (‘73), Endangered Species Act (’73)

6 Environmental Setbacks
Love Canal (1978): NY community--- birth defects— toxic chemicals--- illegal dumping Three Mile Island (1979): nuclear reactor meltdown– contained w/ no health risks– affected policy– fearful of nuclear energy Criticisms Did gov’t create too many regulations? Do private owners know better? Did individuals lose property rights? Bad for business?

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