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How Do Personal Possessions Reveal Aspects of Characters?

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Presentation on theme: "How Do Personal Possessions Reveal Aspects of Characters?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do Personal Possessions Reveal Aspects of Characters?
Character Analysis: How Do Personal Possessions Reveal Aspects of Characters?

2 Sharing Annotations of “Doc-Lap at Last” and Review Learning Targets
Please sit with your small 1-4 groups. Today we will be closely reading a poem that will help us learn more about Ha’s family members by reading about the possessions that are important to them.

3 About you… If you were told that you had to leave your house right now, what would be the 1 thing that you would take with you??

4 Some questions to ponder
What object is so important to Ha that she writes about it more than any other object in her diary? Why does she write about it so much?

5 Please turn to page 55 Look at the poem “Choice.”
You will notice that this is the poem where Ha describes the possessions she chose to pack for her escape. Please listen as I read it aloud. While I read listen for the gist and pay special attention to Ha’s one item she chose to pack in stanzas 2 through 4.

6 Some questions What makes this doll so special?
What does this doll symbolize for Ha? What does Ha mean when she writes, ‘I love her more for her scars’? turn and talk before sharing with the class.

7 One clarification You may not understand from context what palms (stanza 1) means. in this context, a palm is describing an amount of rice: a palm of rice is the amount of rice one can hold in the palm of one’s hand. Ha gave us a glimpse into what is important to her and that today’s work will show what is important to other members of her family.

8 Today’s objective I can cite evidence from the poems ‘Choice’ and ‘Left Behind’ to explain how this incident reveals aspects of Ha and her family members.

9 So who are all of the Characters??
Let’s make a quick list of the characters so far. Who are the characters in the book so far? (hint hint, there should be 4)

10 Jigsaw, Part I: Focus on Different Characters in “Left Behind” (20 minutes)
today you will be doing a “Jigsaw,” much like you did with sections of the article “The Vietnam Wars. For this activity, you will begin in your 1-4 groups. In your 1-4 groups, each person chooses a different character from the list on which to focus. then you leave your home groups to join a new “expert group” (with other students who focused on the same character). With that new expert group, you discuss your specific character.

11 Before you move into your expert groups
You will reread the poem “Left Behind” with your character as a focus. look at the top of the recording form, and listen as I read aloud the example about Ha. Notice: we already talked about how important the papaya tree is to Ha, and here is what we can infer about Ha based on this prized possession. Look at pages 57–59, “Left Behind.” You will need to locate the stanzas that refer to the character you are focusing on.

12 Let’s move to our expert groups
reread the poem silently while focusing on your character. in your expert groups, share details you noticed, and work together to complete your graphic organizer. Reminder: in the next part of the lesson, you will be going back to you own small group, and will need to be ready to explain what you talked about with your “expert” group. Think about these questions while you are working: What do these items represent to the character? In what way are these items important? How do these items reflect the character’s interests, values, and beliefs? What can you infer about this character’s personality? What might these objects symbolize?

13 Jigsaw, Part II: Small-Group Discussion: What Do Their Possessions Reveal about Ha and Her Family?
return to your 1-4 groups and in a moment, you will share your expertise. Directions: 1. Choose someone in the group to be a timekeeper. 2. Each person has two minutes to share the character they studied, the objects that were mentioned about that character, what the possessions told them about the character, and how they know this. 3. Be sure to record the information your peers share on the Jigsaw recording form. 4. If you have time, discuss the question at the bottom of your Jigsaw recording form.

14 Final share out What can you learn about Ha from the way she describes her family members?

15 Homework QuickWrite 6: Explain the more symbolic aspect of what the character you studied was forced to leave behind. (What might the object symbolize?) Use specific evidence from your reading to support your thinking. Example: you determined, in a previous lesson, that the papaya tree was a symbol of hope.

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