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Unit 1 Foundations Schooled by Gordon Korman

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1 Unit 1 Foundations Schooled by Gordon Korman

2 Essential Question-Reflection Journal
How does Sophie feel about Cap living with her? How would you feel if Cap lived with you? Give details.

3 Day 4: Chapters 7-9 Think-Write- Pair-Share (12-15 minutes)
“When you are unkind to others, it is usually because you don’t believe that you, yourself, deserve kindness” (pg. 48) Think: (1 minute) “Is the quote on page 48 an appropriate theme (message from the author) for the story so far? Why or why not?” Write: Write your response to the above prompt (5 minutes) Pair: Share your thoughts with a partner (1 minute) Share with the group (2-3 minutes)

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