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Verbs Unit 10.

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1 Verbs Unit 10

2 Recognizing Verbs Most important part of speech. The rest of the sentence is built around the verb. 2 types of verbs: action & linking

3 Action Verbs Expresses physical or mental action
Name some examples of action verbs Compoe a sentences using an action verb Transitive & Intransitive

4 Transitive Verbs Action verb that transfers the action to a complement(completer of the sentence) Ex: The pitcher of the team threw the ball to the catcher. S TrV DO S TrV IO DO

5 Intransitive Verb Action verb that does NOT transfer the acion to a complement. Ex: The ball sailed over the fence. S InV

6 The general's strategy was effective.
Linking Verbs Do NOT express action Links a word in the predicate to the subject Mr. Brown is our coach. The general's strategy was effective.

7 Mr. Brown = coach strategy = effective

8 "Be" Verbs Function as Linking Verbs & Helping Verbs
am, is, are, was, were, be, being, been Function as Linking Verbs & Helping Verbs Stephen was faithful unto death. Stephen was preaching the truth to the people. Any verb that ends with be or been is a "be" verb.

9 Taste, Feel, Smell, Sound, Look, Appear, Become, Seem, Grow, Remain, Stay
Can be ACTION or LINKING Is the SUBJECT performing any action? The roast turkey smelled appetizing. We smelled the delightful aroma as soon as we entered the room.

10 Helping Verbs Two new clubs will be formed this year.
helps the main verb (action or linking) to make a statement the LAST verb in the verb phrase determines the type of verb Two new clubs will be formed this year. The hope of the righteous will be gladness.

11 Interrupters Verb Phrases are often interrupted by other words NOT
Joseph did not compete in the game. Subject of interrogative sentences Will your team win its conference title this year?

12 Homework p. 83, Ex. A, B, & C - evens p. 85, Ex. evens

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