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Early Politics of the 1850s in Illinois

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1 Early Politics of the 1850s in Illinois
Illinois History

2 Abraham Lincoln B. Feb. 12, 1809 Hardin Co., Kentucky
Undistinguished family Little education Capt. in Black Hawk War Practices law Gets involved in politics

3 Stephen A. Douglas B. April 23, 1813 Brandon, Vermont
Travels west to practice law. ‘Little Giant’ Expansionist Dies June 3rd, 1861

4 The Liberty Party Formed, NY 1839 Moral crusade to end slavery
Want to attack slavery politically Win seats in 13 counties

5 Texan Independence and the Mexican War
Addition of territory seen to upset balance of slave states and free states However, Illinoisans enthusiastic about Mexican War General Assembly endorses war. Illinois forms 9 regimens Lincoln one of the few who do not support the war.


7 Wilmot Proviso Free Soil Party
No slavery in territory gained in the Mex. War Fails Free Soil Party Against the expansion of slavery Controlled Illinois legislature after Mex. War David Wilmot (PA)

8 Compromise of 1850 California would enter Union as a free state
Texas border would be adjusted in favor of New Mexico New Mexico was slated to be organized as two territories (New Mexico and Utah) Popular Sovereignty Slave trade was abolished in the District of Columbia Enacted a stricter fugitive slave law Split and pushed through Congress by Stephen Douglas Douglas gains national prominence Democrats edge out Free Soilers

9 The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Introduced by Stephen Douglas Created territories of Nebraska and Kansas Opened two territories up for settlement and provided for Popular Sovereignty Violence in Kansas results Repealed MO Compromise line.

10 The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854
Illinois outraged at repeal of MO Compromise Thought Douglas corrupt Issue becoming more and more sectional Lincoln drawn back into politics

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