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Today is Wednesday, February 27, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Today is Wednesday, February 27, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Homework: Read Chapter 11, Lesson 4 (for tomorrow) Warm Up: Look at the mixture inside the SMALL CUP at your table. Try to separate it out into its different components our your blue tray. Use the fork with the RED markings on it. Intentional messes, or not cleaning up accidents, will earn your whole table group one dart each.

2 Goal for Today SWBAT Know differences in chemical and physical properties of substances are used to separate mixtures and identify compounds.

3 What are mixtures? Mixture – different materials placed together but don’t bond to form compounds Materials keep their own properties Can separate materials according to their different properties Iron filings and sand – use a magnet because iron filings are magnetic Salt water – allow one to evaporate because they have different boiling points Steel = iron and carbon Brass = copper and zinc Alloy – mixture of metals Bronze – copper and tin

4 Pause for the Cause What is a mixture of a solid and a solid you can think of? A mixture of a solid and a liquid? A mixture of a gas and a liquid? Talk about it in table groups (1 minute)

5 One type of mixture is a solution
Special type of mixture in which substances spread out evenly and will not settle Solute – dissolved substance Solvent – substance in which the solute is being dissolved Sugar water = solution water = solvent, sugar = solute Not all solutions are made by dissolving solids into a liquid Two liquids, gas into a liquid Other examples: Gatorade Kool-Aid Coca-Cola (gas in a liquid – solution before it is opened and fizzes) Tea Coffee Pure, filtered apple juice mixed with water (liquid in liquid)

6 Let’s make some drinkable mixtures!
Mix your drinks together You may work with a partner or as table groups The two forks WITHOUT RED are clean forks. Keep them clean and you can use them to stir your drinks

7 Closing it up… Complete and turn in end-of-lesson
pop quiz/were-you-paying-attention sheet

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