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Get Started with Research

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Presentation on theme: "Get Started with Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get Started with Research
Librarian Alison

2 Develop a Research Strategy Know Some Resources to Use
Learning Outcome: By the end of this workshop you should be able to: Develop a Research Strategy Know Some Resources to Use

3 What is research?

4 Research Purposes: Investigating to establish facts
Investigate the unknown

5 Research Paper vs. Report
Reports just give existing facts, no analysis. Research papers analyze a specific aspect of a topic. In a research paper you come up with your own conclusions about a topic based on your research.

6 How do you begin a research paper?

7 Narrowing/Broadening a Topic
What do we need to do to narrow or broaden a topic? How do we narrow our topic?

8 Narrowing Your Topic: The ABCs
Broad topic: Media Possible Subtopic: Violence, sex, unrealistic images of women, how race is portrayed (in the media) Narrowed topic: Unrealistic images of women in the media

9 Do You Want to Narrow Your Topic Even More? Then ask these questions:
Who (is involved)? Where (is the problem/topic happening)? Why (is it happening)? What (are the major viewpoints)? How (can the problem be solved)?

10 Underline the keywords: Unrealistic images of women in the media

11 Create a list of synonyms from your main keywords:
Unrealistic Images: Women: Media: Body image Girls Television Retouched Females movies Celebrities Teenagers magazines Weight Adolescents commercials Models advertising

12 Suggested Databases Gale Virtual Reference: Find background information on a topic from subject encyclopedias CQ Researcher: Access investigative reports on current social issues Opposing Viewpoints: locate articles representing various sides of major social issues

13 Develop a Research Strategy Know Some Library Resources to Use
Learning Outcome: By the end of this workshop you should be able to: Develop a Research Strategy Know Some Library Resources to Use

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