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Copy EVERYTHING into your foldable There will be a quiz!

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Presentation on theme: "Copy EVERYTHING into your foldable There will be a quiz!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copy EVERYTHING into your foldable There will be a quiz!
Government Foldable Copy EVERYTHING into your foldable There will be a quiz!

2 Front of Flip Book GOVERNMENT Systems FOLDABLE Types KEEP Forms
ALL YEAR!!!! Structures

3 How is Power Distributed?
Who rules and who participates? How much power does the government have? Who are the leaders and what do they do? Notes TOP FLAP Bottom Flap

4 Government Systems Systems tell how the power is distributed

5 Systems of Governments
Federal-power is distributed equally between local and federal governments Confederation-local and federal government both have power, but the local government is stronger Ex: European Union, UN Unitary-Central government has all the power Ex: UK, Saudi Arabia

6 Government Types Types tell who rules and who participates in the government

7 Oligarchy-government is ruled by a small group of people
Ex: China, Iran Democracy-people have the power, people VOTE Ex: Constitutional Monarchy, Presidential Democracy (USA, Israel, Japan)

8 Types Continued… Autocracy-one person rules and has total power
Ex: Dictatorship, Absolute Monarchy (Saudi Arabia, North Korea) Theocracy-Laws and Leaders are guided by religion Ex: Saudi Arabia, Iran (Islamic Republics)

9 Forms of Government Forms tell how much power the government has

10 Forms of Government Limited Power-A government where everyone, even all members of the government, must obey the rules the government has a constitution Unlimited Power-A government where the leaders have complete power to do anything – no constitution (Saudi Arabia, North Korea)

11 Government Structures
Structures tell how the government is organized and who the leaders are

12 Constitutional Monarchy-a king or queen (monarch) shares power with a government formed by the constitution. Ex: Japan, Uk Parliamentary Democracy-power is held by an elected parliament representing the people Ex:UK

13 Presidential Democracy- a president is elected to make informed decisions for us.
Ex: Japan Constitutional Republic- the head of the country and other officials are elected as representatives of the people, and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over citizens Ex: USA

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