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Use Synthea Generated Patient Data for Clinical Quality Measure – Case Study: CMS165 Controlling High Blood Pressure Peter Li, OSEHRA 2/21/2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Use Synthea Generated Patient Data for Clinical Quality Measure – Case Study: CMS165 Controlling High Blood Pressure Peter Li, OSEHRA 2/21/2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use Synthea Generated Patient Data for Clinical Quality Measure – Case Study: CMS165 Controlling High Blood Pressure Peter Li, OSEHRA 2/21/2019

2 Objective Determine what is needed for Synthea to generate patient data for use in clinical quality measure (CQM).

3 Gap Analysis and Validation
Start with a CQM where the disease of interest has been modeled by Synthea Match CQM data elements with those generated by the Synthea data. Provide a list of CQM required data elements: Missing from Synthea Using terminology (SNOMED code) not included in the value set Unmet result values Test Synthea data in C-CDA format against popHealth – a CQM Reporting Tool

4 CMS165 – Controlling High Blood Pressure
CQM definition - Data criteria used in the Denominator: Diagnosis: Essential Hypertension Encounter, Performed: Adult Outpatient Visit Data criteria used in the Numerator Physical Exam, Performed: Diastolic blood pressure (Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90) Physical Exam, Performed: Systolic blood pressure (Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140) Data criteria used in the Denominator Exclusions Diagnosis: Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5 Diagnosis: End Stage Renal Disease Diagnosis: Kidney Transplant Recipient Diagnosis: Pregnancy Intervention, Order: Hospice care ambulatory Intervention, Performed: Hospice care ambulatory Procedure, Performed: Dialysis Services Procedure, Performed: Kidney Transplant Procedure, Performed: Vascular Access for Dialysis

5 CQM Data Criteria Value Set
Diagnosis: Essential Hypertension as defined by the value set SNOMEDCT Malignant essential hypertension (disorder) Labile diastolic hypertension (disorder) Sustained diastolic hypertension (disorder) Essential hypertension (disorder) Systolic hypertension (disorder) Diastolic hypertension (disorder) Low-renin essential hypertension (disorder) Systolic essential hypertension (disorder) Labile essential hypertension (disorder) Labile hypertension (disorder) Benign essential hypertension (disorder) Benign hypertension (disorder) ICD9CM 401.9 Unspecified essential hypertension 401.1 Benign essential hypertension 401 Malignant essential hypertension ICD10CM I10 Essential (primary) hypertension

6 Example of Using Terminology Outside of the Value Set
The Synthea module - Metabolic Syndrome Standards of Care generates the Hypertension diagnosis; however, the SNOMED code used, (Hypertensive Disorder), is a more general classification of hypertension. The CQM data criteria for Diagnosis: Essential Hypertension is more specific. Therefore, we will need to change the Synthea Hypertension Diagnose code to one of the code in the value set, i.e., (Essential hypertension)

7 Example of Unmet Result Values
The CMS165 numerator requires indication that the hypertension is under control, i.e., Physical Exam, Performed: Diastolic blood pressure (Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90) Physical Exam, Performed: Systolic blood pressure (Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140) The Synthea module - Metabolic Syndrome Standards of Care, only generates Diastolic/Systolic blood pressure >= 90/140 once hypertension diagnose is set. Even after the medication, the BP values doesn’t drop, so no patient will fall into the numerator.

8 Example of Missing Data Elements
Diagnosis: Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5 Diagnosis: Kidney Transplant Recipient Intervention, Order: Hospice care ambulatory Intervention, Performed: Hospice care ambulatory Procedure, Performed: Kidney Transplant Procedure, Performed: Vascular Access for Dialysis

9 Synthea Hypertension Module
Create a Hypertension module based on the Metabolic Syndrome Standard of Care module which had a section that modelled hypertension. Changes added: Hypertension Diagnose code to one of the code in the value set, i.e., (Essential hypertension) Created follow up encounters that included Diastolic/Systolic blood pressure readings that indicated control of blood pressure, i.e., <90/140 mmHg. Updated the Synthea property file to generate c-cda To view the model, load the hypertension.json - Project/blob/master/models/hypertension/hypertension.json into the Synthea Module Builder - builder/

10 Synthea Generated Hypertension Patient
Removed the Metabolic Syndrome Standard of Care module because of dependencies. Generated 1000 patients, of which 270 patients had (Essential hypertension) diagnosis. Imported the 270 patients on popHealth. Performed CMS165 measure calculation on the imported patients.

11 Results from PopHealth

12 Observations of the CQM Calculation for Measure Period from 1-1-2018 to 12-31-2018
Hypertension patients not included in the initial population due to lack of outpatient encounter during 2018 year. Patients not included in the numerator due to lack of controlled BP measurements Patient excluded from the denominator because of pregnancy.

13 Conclusion Synthea generated patient data can be used for clinical quality measure. It’s a matter of making sure that the generated SNOMED code is a member of the value set defined by the measure’s data criteria. This applies to encounter types, diagnosis, medications, etc. Hypertension module used for the case study doesn’t model gestational hypertension.

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