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What do you think is different between these two images?

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Presentation on theme: "What do you think is different between these two images?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do you think is different between these two images?
File size and file type talk about file type png being a small size (compressed).

2 Why do Image files have to be small to be on a website?
Explain the implications File size and file type mainly due to loading time so users don’t get fed up waiting. Also the exam has always asked for file types and restricted file size.

3 Save for Web and Devices.
Go to File Save for Web and Devices. File, save for web & devices

4 Look at the difference in file size when the option ‘Save for web’ is chosen. Look at how you can choose file type too. Look at the difference in file size when the option ‘Save for web’ is chosen. Look at how you can choose file type too.

5 Go to: Image Duplicate Image Duplicate

6 Duplicate the image so you have 2 versions.
Crop one of them - select the Crop tool. Highlight the area you want to keep. Double click. Crop

7 Select the area you want to keep then double click to crop it.
Then save it with a different name e.g. cokecrop.png Select area to be cropped then double click and save file with different name.

8 Insert the small image into your web page then put a hyperlink to the large one so when you click on it opens the large image.

9 Right click on the image.
Choose Hyperlink. Insert the small image into your web page then put a hyperlink to the large one so when you click on it opens the large image.

10 Choose the image you want to link it to
Click OK. Test it. Insert the small image into your web page then put a hyperlink to the large one so when you click on it opens the large image.

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