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Vocabulary & Scholarship Search

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary & Scholarship Search"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary & Scholarship Search

2 Upcoming Due Dates Feb 14th: Binder Check & Hoodie Money Due
Feb 15th: 2 Scholarship Forms Due Feb 17th: TRF Booklets due (with grades FILLED OUT!) Feb 14th – Feb 23rd: Random Cornell Note/Learning Log Check

3 Daily Reading & Writing
Please finish up your annotations for the following articles Both articles related to Voter ID Scholarship forewarning article When you are finished, you have the following options 1. Pick up a chromebook and work on your scholarship search (due this Wednesday) 2. Prepare for your binder check (due tomorrow) 3. Pre-Work TRF (PLEASE FILL OUT THE GRADE SHEET! ) 4. Silently read

4 Vocabulary Review – Semester 1 (Magic Box)
Meticulous Urbane Sagacity Edify Muse Malleable Bucolic Eloquent Halcyon Ego Grat Inter Nov Advocate Lethargic Scrutinize Sporadic

5 Vocabulary Review – Semester 2
Astute Extraneous Vindicate Articulate Candor

6 Aloof Adj Apart, reserved
It was the habit of the shy girl to remain aloof in new situations.

7 Depravity Noun Extreme corruption; wickedness
The news reported on the depravity of the CEO of a company that embezzled millions from the pension fund.

8 Haughtiness Noun Pride; arrogance
The wealthy woman always acted with extreme haughtiness when talking to salespeople.

9 Pragmatic Adj Practical; concerned with the practical worth of impact of something Because he was so pragmatic with his major purchases, he was able to save thousands of dollars.

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