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Life Out West Biggest Problem for the U.S. government: The Native Americans Biggest Conflicts included: Sand Creek Massacre, the Battle of Little Big.

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1 Life Out West Biggest Problem for the U.S. government: The Native Americans Biggest Conflicts included: Sand Creek Massacre, the Battle of Little Big Horn, the Nez Perce War, and the Battle of Wounded Knee

2 Sand Creek Massacre Key People: Colonel John Chivington
What happened: John Chivington hadn’t had victory in the Civil War- the Sioux were sitting on property near his location for the war. This tribe had been in conflict with the U.S. government but had recently signed peace agreement. Chivington attacked the Sioux without any provocation. Ended up with about 500 unarmed Native Americans dead


4 Battle of Little Big Horn
Key People: General George Custer- leader of the U.S. 7th Calvary, the Cheyenne What happened: U.S. government wants the land that the Cheyenne are on- they believe there is gold there. Custer takes half of his men into battle against the Native Americans and he meets up with the largest Native American army ever assembled…all the Americans there die. BUT the U.S. government sends in reinforcements that later defeat the Native Americans.


6 Nez Perce War Key People: Chief Joseph- the leader of the Nez Perce
What happened: U.S. govenrments wants the land that the Nez Perce are one- the Nez Perce don’t want to be put on reservations…so they attempt to flee to Canada (1400 miles)…stopped 40 miles short. War ensues…Native Americans surrender with Chief Joseph’s famous “I Will Fight No More, Forever” speech. End up on reservations.


8 Wounded Knee LAST MAJOR VIOLENT OUTBURST between the U.S. and the Native Americans What happened: All started because of the Ghost Dance. The U.S. government felt threatened by the Ghost Dance- so they banned it. When they suspected the Cheyenne and the Sioux were using it again, they rounded up a nearby group of young men…took their weapons and then opened fire when they heard a loud noise. Over 200 unarmed Native Americans died.


10 Other Key Terms Helen Hunt Jackson: Wrote “A Century of Dishonor”- which was all about how the U.S. government had mistreated Native Americans. Assimilation: When one larger cultural group completely takes over a smaller cultural group- forcing the smaller one to take on the traits of the stronger one. Dawes Act: the U.S. government divided reservation land, divided it into individual plots…giving each head of a Native American household 160 acres of their own Carlistle Indian Training School: a school that made Native American children “Americanized” (example of assimilation) Oklahoma Land Rush: a land grab by white Americans onto land that the government had once given to Native Americans but ended up taking back.

11 Problems Faced by Farmers
Oliver Kelly decided: American western farmers felt too isolated. Formation of “the Grange” or “farmer cooperatives:” were supposed to bring farmers together to discuss problems and create solutions. Examples: share equipment, buy supplies in bulk and save money, discuss problems associated with certain crops- etc. THEY ARE NOT POLITICAL But then, the government decided that in order to combat the Panic of 1873, they would stop coining all silver money…which would dramatically cut the country’s money supply leading to: Deflatio n

12 Problems Faced by Farmers
Deflation causes: the value of money to increase Problem is: makes loans feel more expensive…farmers had a lot of loans Therefore farmers argued for: coining of more money (cause inflation)- making their loans feel cheaper These silverites formed the political groups known as: Farmer Alliances

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