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Two Alarm Clocks Are Better Than One

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Presentation on theme: "Two Alarm Clocks Are Better Than One"— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Alarm Clocks Are Better Than One
By: Heather Schwall

2 Phew, two finals down one to go. It’s that darn EPS 201 final too! I haven’t been to class in a while.

3 Oh well, I’ll just have to study through the night
Oh well, I’ll just have to study through the night. If I go to be at four; the final is at eight, I’ll be fine. I should have kept up with all of this reading throughout the class! The final is already tomorrow.


5 Ugh, the sun’s so bright. I wonder what time it is?

6 OH MY GOD! My final started at 8:00!



9 Shauntay, I’m so sorry! I just woke up at…
You overslept, that’s okay. Just relax you got here.


11 No, problem, I understand. Have a good next semester
Shauntay, it looks like I just made it. Thanks again!

12 So, I learned that if I’m going to procrastinate my studying that I need to set two alarm clocks. Clearly my alarm didn’t go off when it was supposed to and that’s how I wound up in this whole mess after all. Everything still worked out surprisingly well considering the circumstances.

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