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King george iii King during the Revolution

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1 King george iii King during the Revolution
Maintained aggressive stance against colonial uprisings

2 Haym salomon Polish born Jewish immigrant Helped finance the war
Was a spy

3 Patrick henry Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses
“Give me liberty or give me death”

4 Thomas Jefferson Writer of the Declaration of Independence
Third President of the United States Made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, doubled the size of the United States

5 The Marquis de lafayette
French leader that helped fight during the Revolution Helped to get the French in the war

6 Thomas Paine Writer of “Common Sense”

7 George washington Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army during the Revolution President of the Constitutional Convention 1st President of the United States

8 John Paul jones Founder of the Navy and helped to fight against the British soldiers

9 John marshall First Supreme Court Justice
Helped to organize the way that the court would run in the future

10 Alexander hamilton First Secretary of the Treasury
Federalist, wrote many of the Federalist Papers

11 James madison 4th President of the United States
“Father of the Constitution” Writer of the Federalist Papers Wrote the “Bill of Rights” President during the War of 1812

12 George mason Leader of the Anti-Federalists
Restrict governmental power Needed protection of individual rights

13 Andrew jackson 7th President of the United States
Created Democratic Party for the “Common Man” Killed the National Bank and caused the Indian Removal Act

14 John quincy adams 6th President Negotiated the Adams-Onis Treaty

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