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Presentation by Jennifer Parnell

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1 Presentation by Jennifer Parnell
Shadows in Space Presentation by Jennifer Parnell

2 Standard S6E2b. Explain the alignment of the earth, moon, and sun during solar and lunar eclipses.

3 How do the sun, moon, and earth work together to create shadows?

4 Recipe for a Shadow: A Source of Light A Light Blocker
A Surface for the Shadow to Fall Upon

5 Parts of a Shadow


7 Parts of a Shadow Penumbra: Lighter part of a shadow (causes partial eclipses)

8 Lunar Eclipse Can you predict what causes a lunar eclipse?

9 A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the earth moves between the sun and the moon. The earth’s shadow falls on the moon. Surface for Shadow to Fall Upon Light Blocker Light

10 Facts about a Lunar Eclipse
1. A total lunar eclipse makes the surface of the moon appear red. 2. Total lunar eclipses do not occur as often as partial eclipses because the sun, earth, and moon must be in a straight line. 3. A partial eclipse occurs when only part of the sun’s light is blocked by the earth.

11 A Solar Eclipse Can you predict what causes a solar eclipse?

12 A solar eclipse is caused when the moon moves between the earth and the sun. The moon’s shadow falls on the Earth. Surface for Shadow to Fall Upon Light Light Blocker

13 Facts about a Solar Eclipse
1. During a total solar eclipse the moon blocks out the light of the sun except for a halo of sunlight that appears around the moon. 2. Total eclipses are rare. 3. Some nocturnal animals become active during a solar eclipse.

14 The most recent total solar eclipse was on March 8th and was visible only in India.

15 Do You Know??? 1. What causes a lunar eclipse?
Earth blocks light from sun and earth’s shadow falls on the moon. 2. What causes a solar eclipse? Moon blocks light from sun and moon’s shadow falls on the earth.

16 Great Job!

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