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Presentation on theme: "Climate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate

2 Climate The Earth Sun Relationship
The earth tilts at a 23.5° angle in relation to the sun. This causes the changing seasons.

3 June Solstice Solstice – longest and shortest days of the year (occurs in winter and summer) June & December 21 December Solstice

4 Equinox Twice a year on the equinox, the days and nights all over the world are equal in length. The equinoxes mark the beginning of spring and autumn. September & March 21

5 Factors Affecting Climate

6 Weather - the condition of the atmosphere at a particular location and time.
Climate - weather conditions at a particular location over a long period of time.

7 **Precipitation is NOT just rain!!! REMEMBER THAT ALWAYS!!
Precipitation- Falling water droplets in the form of rain, sleet, snow or hail **Precipitation is NOT just rain!!! REMEMBER THAT ALWAYS!!

8 PAUSE. STOP. RECAP. When is the Summer Solstice? Winter Solstice? Spring Equinox? Fall Equinox? What is precipitation? What are the types of precipitation? How are climate and weather different?

9 Latitude Climate zones are HOTTER closer to the Equator.

10 Prevailing Winds Global winds that blow in fairly constant patterns
Prevailing Winds Global winds that blow in fairly constant patterns. We can predict weather because of atmospheric patterns like the prevailing winds..

11 And sometimes there is a weather reversal pattern
And sometimes there is a weather reversal pattern.. This is called a La Nina and El Nino.

12 El Niño episodes (which we are currently in) reflect periods of exceptionally warm sea surface temperatures across the eastern tropical Pacific. La Niña episodes represent periods of below-average sea-surface temperatures across the eastern tropical Pacific. Both these episodes typically last approximately 9-12 months.

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