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Been there, done that (Part 2) – Stop, focus.

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Presentation on theme: "Been there, done that (Part 2) – Stop, focus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Been there, done that (Part 2) – Stop, focus.
MSc Krista Juurikka Cancer and Translational Medicine Research Unit Faculty of Medicine University of Oulu

2 How did I end up here? “High school” (lukio, 2006-2009)
BSc (Biochemistry), MSc (Cell and Molecular Biology), University of Oulu Phd studies (2016->) Study rights

3 Where am I now? Started 2016 Study Plan accepted 8/2017
Second follow up meeting up-coming Credits: 37.1 One publication, two in process Part of ~5 projects

4 What have I learned and done
A bunch of cell & molecular biology methods (IHC, spheroid assay, FACS…) Gather, process and digest data Supervised (/ing) 2 MSc thesis work, 3 DDS thesis work Attended and organized conferences, workshops and courses nationally and internationally Student representative in HBS-DTC

5 But most importantly... …I have learned about myself.
I have struggled with: Funding Writing/perfectionism Prioritizing I like to/I have: Interact with people/discuss Help others An eye for detail A curious mind

6 Stop, focus. What actually matters for you?
What is important, what is not so important? Do you live your daily live according to your values? How to get to your goal efficiently?

7 Find what is important to you and live by it.
Find your own path. Find what is important to you and live by it.

8 Working closer to patients?
My path. Continue in academia Media, freelancer? OR Interaction Helping Communication Working closer to patients? Science-related

9 Recommendations Be proactive Network Share knowledge Communicate

10 Remember: There is life outside science.

11 Thank you for listening!
Questions, comments? PS. My thanks go to our group members, shown here ->

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