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Imperialism in the Middle East

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1 Imperialism in the Middle East
World History Macdonald

2 Background Colonization of Middle East usually b/c of geopolitics (taking of land for position or products) Most Middle Eastern leaders tried to modernize to stop imperialism

3 Egypt Egypt’s location at head of Red Sea valuable to Europeans b/c of control of trade

4 Egypt Modernizes Egypt’s leader Muhammad Ali tried to modernize to keep out foreigners Began growing cash crops – cotton made $ b/c sold to industrialized countries Hurt peasants b/c lost land & food

5 Egypt Modernizes 2. Built Suez Canal – man-made canal to connect Red Sea to Mediterranean Borrowed $ from England Couldn’t pay interest on debt British took over canal & occupied Egypt to protect investment

6 Persia Wanted to modernize, but didn’t have $ to do so
To raise $, rulers began giving European businesses the right to operate in a certain area or control a certain product Ex. British company had control of oil fields

7 Riots Lead to Colonization
Many ppl in Persia didn’t want to give up control of products to Europeans Religious Muslim leaders thought European influence was ungodly Tensions rose between ppl & gov’t – led to riots & gov’t couldn’t control ppl Businesses at risk due to riots, Europeans wanted to make sure investments made $, so Russia & Britain took over country

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