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Ms. Rosemary Mauro Domain/1084

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Rosemary Mauro Domain/1084"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Rosemary Mauro Domain/1084
Welcome to Geometry Ms. Rosemary Mauro Domain/1084

2 General Information Ms. Rosemary Mauro
Math Office: ext. 3939 Website: Domain/1084

3 Supplies Binder or Notebook with Folder Calculator
Pencils and eraser - All work should be completed in pencil Colored pencils colors Protractor and compass - when needed

4 Grades You are expected to keep a notebook, complete homework, study for tests and quizzes and seek extra help when necessary. To receive full credit on all assignments, tests and quizzes, you must show work! All work must be done in pencil.

5 Grades - c0ntinued Homework is assigned almost every night.
Homework must be clearly labeled with page number, problem numbers, diagrams, showing all necessary work and the final answer. Homework should be corrected when the assignment is reviewed in class. Late homework will not be accepted.

6 Grades – c0ntinued Projects may be assigned throughout the year. You may be asked to present your project orally. All grades will be posted on the parent portal. Contact your guidance counselor for parent portal access.

7 Grading Breakdown Major Assessments: 45% Minor Assessments: 30% Homework, Classwork, other Activities: 25% Note: All Major Assessments will be announced. Minor assessments will be announced & unannounced.

8 DON’T WAIT! Seek extra help when necessary.
Extra help will be available immediately after school in Room 183 until the first late bus. Faculty, Guidance and Math Department meetings are also after school so students should always check with me to confirm that I am available on the day they plan to stay.

9 Don’t wait too long to seek extra help!
Extra Help - continued Peer tutoring is available through both the Math Honor Society and the National Honor Society. Don’t wait too long to seek extra help!

10 Absence It is YOUR responsibility to make up all missed work. Be sure to pick up missed handouts. All makeup work must be completed within two days upon return. For extended absences – please consult with me for makeup dates. Note: Be sure to hand in makeup work labeled with your name, date handing in and the dates of absence on the top of the paper.

11 Absence – c0ntinued You can check for missing graded assignments on the parent portal. Any assignments marked with an ABS may be made up for full credit. Note: Missing work will be counted as a zero after allotted makeup time.

12 Rules and Behavioral Policies
Class begins when the bell sounds. It is YOUR responsibility to get to class on time EVERY day. Be Polite and Respectful. Cheating will not be tolerated. Keep classroom neat and orderly. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself. The use of foul and disrespectful language is unacceptable. Remain at your desk until the bell sounds to leave.

13 Consequences for Students Choosing to disregard classroom policies
First time: Verbal warning Second time: Stay in class one or two minutes after the bell Third time: Call parents Fourth time: Send to administer Severe Clause: Send to administer

14 You are Responsible for your own EDUCATION.
Your ATTITUDE is the key to your SUCCESS! Cooperation with each other will create an enjoyable class for all Students, Teachers, and Visitors.

15 Geometry Online Textbook
Using the link: logon to the student textbook with USERID – MAUROS54 Password – mauro650

16 What is Geometry? Lawyer Engineering Space Architecture Land surveys
Geometry is the visual study of shapes, sizes, patterns, and positions. Geometry is found everywhere and is used by almost everyone. Lawyer Engineering Space Architecture Land surveys Art Sculptures Astronomy Robotics Patterns Sports Measurements

17 Why Study Geometry? Mathematical foundational skills Spatial sense
To develop: Mathematical foundational skills Spatial sense Logical reasoning Geometric reasoning Problem solving skills

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