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Presentation on theme: "ORGANIC EXERCISE QUESTIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1. Methylcyclobutane reacts with bromine under certain conditions. Draw the structural formula of all the monosubstituted methylcyclobutane produced from the reaction. Note: Methylcyclobutane is an alkane (saturated hydrocarbon), it will undergo substitution reaction where one Br atom will be substituting one H atom. Answer:

2 2. Draw the structural formula of all compounds produced when propane reacts with chlorine.
CH3-CH2-CH3 + Cl2  ? How many possible position for substitution? Answer:

3 CH3-CH-CH=CH2 + H2  | CH3 CH3-CH-CH—CH2 | | | H3C H H 3-methylbutene
| | | H3C H H 3-methylbutene 2-methylbutane Note: the reactant is an alkene (presence of double bond indicates an unsaturated compound), the reaction will be ‘addition reaction’. 4. CH2=CH Br2  CH2—CH2 | | Br Br ethene dibromoethane Note: although benzene contains double bonds, it does not undergo addition reaction due to stability of the ring. bromobenzene

4 6. CH3CH2—OH CH2 ═ CH2 + H2O ethanol ethene CH2 — CH2 | | H OH Answer:
Note: Dehydration of alcohol 6. CH3CH2—OH Al2O3 CH2 ═ CH H2O ethanol ethene CH2 — CH2 | | H OH H2O molecule formed, the remaining bond will joined up forming a double bond Answer: cyclobutanol

5 8. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2—OH + 2[O] ? + H2O
Note: Oxidation of alcohol 8. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2—OH + 2[O] ? + H2O pentanol Note: 2 H atom will combine with O from the oxidation agent to form H2O. An O atom will be attached to the C atom. Answer: Pentanoic acid

6 CH3CH2CH2CH2C=O + 2[H]  ? | H Pentanal (aldehyde) H H Answer:
Note: O atom combines with one of the H atom from reducing agent Double bond is broken, forming a new covalent bond with another H atom from reducing agent H H Pentanol Answer:

7 10. CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2–OH + CH3CH2COOH  ? + ?
Note: Esterification CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2–OH CH3CH2COOH  ? + ? Pentanol Propanoic acid Answer: O CH3CH2C–O–CH2CH2CH2CH2CH H2O Pentyl propanoate CH3–OH C6H5COOH  ? + ?


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