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See-Think-Wonder Analyze 6 different images around the room.

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Presentation on theme: "See-Think-Wonder Analyze 6 different images around the room."— Presentation transcript:

1 See-Think-Wonder Analyze 6 different images around the room.

2 The Roaring 20S

3 More women in the work force
Women in Society More women in the work force Only entry level Usually single women; married and pregnant expected to quit Didn’t get paid as much as men 19th Amendment

4 1900’s ’s

5 Women (cont.) Flappers Young women Rebellious, energetic, bold
Shorter skirts, bobbed hair, close-fitting hats, make-up Smoked and drank Represented a break from tradition and the past

6 Americans on the Move Rural-Urban Split Cities grow; farming slows
Industry booming (better jobs in factories)  move to cities Education—HS attendance Farm kids needed as laborers Urban kids needed education to compete in industries Morals Rural  traditional Urban flappers, drinking, smoking, etc.

7 The Great Migration

8 American Heroes Changing morals led many to desire values of an earlier time

9 Mass Media & Jazz Agree/Disagree, pg

10 Cultural Changes Write or draw 10 symbols of the cultural changes of the 1920s – people, events, causes of change, trends, etc. (e.g., radio!) Use notes or Agree/Disagree! Circle the 3 MOST INFLUENTIAL ideas (impacted the changes/caused the changes) Come up with one word or phrase to characterize society based on what you represented

11 Conflict Opinions Pg

12 Partner 1: Should drugs, alcohol, and prostitution be legal?

13 Partner 2: Should the KKK have rights (speech, assembly, equality, etc

14 Partner 3: How should the creation of man be taught: evolution or creationism?

15 Character Project Choose 3-5 you are interested in researching and representing.

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