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/æ/ and /eɪ/ Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "/æ/ and /eɪ/ Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 /æ/ and /eɪ/ Overview

2 /æ/ /æ/ is a monophthong. It is the vowel sound associated with the following words: lad bad cat mat hat at pat fat hack smack drab rad rap happy laugh traffic flaccid manic panic mallet hand band lap lad snap

3 /æ/ position /æ/ is a monophthong. It is the vowel sound associated with the following words: lad bad cat mat hat at pat fat hack smack drab rad rap happy laugh traffic flaccid manic panic mallet hand band lap lad snap

4 supercallafragalisticexpiallidocious
Guess the /æ/ See if you can find the /æ/ sounds in the following famous word: supercallafragalisticexpiallidocious

5 supercallafragalisticexpiallidocious
Guess the /æ/ answer See if you can find the /æ/ sounds in the following famous word: supercallafragalisticexpiallidocious

6 /eɪ/ /eɪ/ is a diphthong. It is the vowel sound associated with the following words: day pay take crazy rake hate spate rate traipse plate make cake late blame flame tame maim pave brave stave rave save

7 /eɪ/ position /eɪ/ is a diphthong. It is the vowel sound associated with the following words: day pay take crazy rake hate spate rate traipse plate make cake late blame flame tame maim pave brave stave rave save

8 contrafibullaritisation
Guess the /eɪ/ See if you can find the /eɪ/ sounds in the following famous word: contrafibullaritisation

9 contrafibullaritisation
Guess the /eɪ/ answer See if you can find the /eɪ/ sounds in the following famous word: contrafibullaritisation

10 Spot the difference /eɪ/ + /æ/
Put the following words into two lists, one for /eɪ/ and one for /æ/ : pay lad cat crazy bad am day black stave late snap manic flame pat hat cake plate cram traipse rake happy flaccid drab spate tame Gareth

11 Spot the difference /eɪ/ + /æ/
Here are the answers: /æ/ /eɪ/ cat pat pay plate bad hat crazy traipse am cram day rake black happy stave spate snap flaccid late tame manic drab flame lad Gareth cake Total - 14 Total - 12

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