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Climate Change: Effects and Impact

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Change: Effects and Impact"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Change: Effects and Impact

2 (Video) watch the "Eyes of Nye Climate Change" video and answer the following: 1. Why are ice cores used to study ancient climate? 2. How do CO2 and Temperature graphs compare? (sketch) 3. Why is a rapid rise in temperature dangerous? 4. What can you do to help?

3 Video Discussion 1. Why are ice cores used to study ancient climate?
2. How do CO2 and Temperature graphs compare? (sketch)

4 Video Discussion 3. Why is a rapid rise in temperature dangerous?
4. What can you do to help?

5 Aquatic Ecosystems (p.204)
Use your textbook (p.204) to summarize (maximum of one or two sentences) the effects of: Melting Sea Ice: New Food Chains: Warmer Oceans: Rising Sea Levels: More Violent Storms: 5min We'll watch the video first, it'll help. Then break into 5 groups, you'll be assigned one of those 5 topics, and you'll work with your group members to make a summary of that topic from the textbook. Each group will present and I will randomly choose one student from each group to present their groups summary.

6 Aquatic Ecosystems Use your textbook (p.204) to summarize the effects of: Melting Sea Ice: loss of sea life threatens existing species (e.g. polar bears) and ways of life (e.g. Inuit) New Food Chains: loss of krill changes where organisms eat which changes old areas and new areas Warmer Oceans: destruction of coral reef (habitat loss) slowing of ocean currents changes weather/climate Rising Sea Levels: flooding of low lying areas (habitat loss) More Violent Storms: warm water gives more energy to storms = more powerful hurricanes

7 Terrestrial Ecosystems (p.206)
Use your textbook (p.206) to summarize the effects of: Changing Organisms: Melting Land Ice: New Deserts: More Flooding Human Health Same groups and we're doing the same thing as before! 6min

8 Terrestrial Ecosytems (p.206)
Changing Organisms: migratory animals may change migration times and patterns. Others can't adapt and may die Melting Land Ice: loss of glaciers (freshwater) and permafrost (changing landscape - collapsing forests) New Deserts: loss of drinking water and farm land (food) More Flooding: heavy rainfall and rising sea levels affect low lying areas (habitat loss) Human Health: migrating species introduce new illnesses (e.g. West Nile) diseases thrive in warm, wet conditions

9 Positive and Negative Impacts (p.208-209)
use figure 3.6 on p to answer Learning Check p.209 #1,2,3

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