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Kanno Youko Kenji Wakwabayashi

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1 Kanno Youko Kenji Wakwabayashi
Music 1010 Kanno Youko Kenji Wakwabayashi

2 Outline Biography Musician:Kanno Youko Information Guide of Music
Tank! Inner Universe Moon Listening Guide of Music

3 Biography Musician:Kanno Youko
She is the Japaneses Comopser Making different types of music Jazz, Pop, and Classic Working different types of music Game, CM, and Anime She wins the music prize Japanese Golden Disc Award

4 Information Guide of Music:Tank!
It was published in 1998. Animational song Cowboy Bebop It is often using backgrand of music. It is sound like a Jazz music

5 Information Guide of Music:Inner Universe
It was published in 2003. Animational song Ghost in the shell It is sung by Origa. It is sound like a technopop.

6 Information Guide of Music:Moon
It was published in 1999. It written for a song by Gabriella Robin. Animational song Gandum Turn A It is sung by Origa. It is sound like a classic music.

7 Information Guide of Music:Inner Universe
It was published in 2003. Animational song Ghost in the shell It is sung by Origa. It is sound like a technopop.

8 Listening Guide of Music:Tank!
0:00 Start: trumpet, dram, and contrabass. This start is vigorously sound. 1:00: trombone, trumpet marimba, maraca, guitar, dram and contrabass. I feel little crescendo, and tempo is constant. 3:48: saxophone, trombone, trumpet marimba, maraca, guitar, dram and contrabass: It is climax. All instruments sound back.

9 Listening Guide of Music: Inner Universe
Q 0:00: introduction: sound of processing which it maybe use synthesizer, bas. It is sound like a cool, and it is like a trance. Tempo is so fast. It is low sound. 0:23: start singer: voice, base, and synthesizer: This voice is strong, and it is vibrating. In addition, sound of synthesizer fits it 4:30: chorus, voice and synthesizer. This is climax part. This part chorus and voice harmony so beautiful

10 Listening Guide of Music:Moon
0:00: start: dram, violin, marimba, contrabass, cello, clarinet and voice: This song slow, and it is calming sound. Many instruments play, but they do not block voice. 1:24: violin, cello, clarinet and voice. The singer sings very politely. This part so beautiful. 2:30: chorus, dram, violin, marimba, contrabass, cello, clarinet and voice. I think this part is swelling part because chorus and instruments mix as a powerful.

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