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EQ: Where can I find useful support?

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1 EQ: Where can I find useful support?
Social Studies Day 3 EQ: Where can I find useful support?

2 Rules for Sharing (review)
Every person in the group must: Listen to each person with the intent of being able to repeat back what the speaker said Share his/her ideas (that does not mean read what was written) Avoid interrupting the speaker and listeners Avoid making personal judgments

3 Quick Write Prompt: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi Write the entire time given. (Elaborate, give examples, justify your opinion) Be prepared to share your ideas. Look over Rules for Sharing Notes DO NOT READ YOUR QUICKWRITE TO THE GROUP. TELL.

4 Practice Sharing At your table, start with seat “A” to share your ideas. After each member of the table shares, go around the table again this time Person A retells the group what B, C, D, E, F stated. B continues, C, D, E, F… until everyone has had a chance to restate ideas. Evaluate yourself: how well did you meet the “group sharing” expectations? Evaluate the group: how well did the group meet “group sharing” expectations? Reflection write up: I give myself a ______ in group sharing because _____________. I give the group a ____ for sharing because _______________.

5 Critical reading in S.S. Time to practice… Number the paragraphs
HOW? Number the paragraphs Circle important/key vocabulary Underline the author’s claims (what he/she believes) Squiggle line –you want to share this ? – you have a question or don’t understand Write in the margins- Visuals-drawings to help you remember key ideas Summarize-stuff you have to remember Clarify – to help you understand Connecting - “I agree because I love sandwiches.” WHY? Primary Sources Books Web-sites Articles Each other’s writing Time to practice…

6 Writing in S.S. Types: What you need to know before writing:
Days 4-5 Writing in S.S. Types: Quick writes Short answer Paragraphs Essays Tests Group work What you need to know before writing: What type of writing is expected What is the prompt really asking Paragraph rules Essay rules Formal or informal Mrs. Rather expects complete sentences at all times (except C N) Time to practice: Prompt: Write a paragraph stating three reasons for learning Social Studies.

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