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The red giant This is mars By: Tavian Jones.

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Presentation on theme: "The red giant This is mars By: Tavian Jones."— Presentation transcript:

1 The red giant This is mars By: Tavian Jones

2 Size Interesting facts about the size of Mars!
Volume of 163,115,609,799 km Radius of 2,106 miles  Mass of 639,E21 kg Surface area of million square miles Equatorial circumference of 13,233.3 Density of 3,934/cm3 Radius = 2,106 miles Radius =3959 miles

3 Inner and outer planets are separated by asteroid belt
Inner or outer This is mars The asteroid belt is a place roughly between Mars and Jupiter where there are lots of asteroids that form a belt. They are made of rock and stone, very in size, and one is called Ceres. Ceres is a dwarf planet. Inner and outer planets are separated by asteroid belt

4 How many earth days in mars year
There are 687 earth days in a Mars year, that is more than two times as many days as in a earth year. Imagine if you had to wait two times the time that you would normally wait for Christmas or your birthday! That would not be fun. You would have to make up a lot of new months peacefully. That would be hard because fights would brake out because people would want months named after them or their family. Each day is 39 minutes 35 seconds longer than an earth day, so in two days it has been 1 hour 18 minutes and 10 seconds more than Earth.

5 How many moons Unlike the Earth, Mars has not one moon, but two. One named Fobos and the other named Deimos; meaning fear and panic. These moons are named after the Mars, the Roman Gods', sons. Mars was the War God. Fobos and Deimos are small moons that orbit Mars because of its gravitational pull. In fact, any planet that has objects in orbit has gravity. Mars has less of a gravitational pull than earth, mainly due to the mass of Earth being greater than the mass of Mars. Fear Panic

6 What does it look like Mars is actually butterscotch colored, but it looks red because of iron oxide in the atmosphere. Mars is also white at its poles because there is ice there. It has mountains, volcanos, and valleys, like earth. It also has craters. Its best known crater is Hella’s Impact crater, and its best known volcano is Olympus Mons. Hella’s crater is the lowest point on Mars. Olympus Mons is the highest point in the known universe, even higher than Mount Everest! On Mars you would not see life only volcanos, craters, and dust.

7 Unique features        Olympus Mons The highest point in the known universe, Olympus Mons, is on Mars. At 21.9 km tall, Olympus Mons makes 8.8 km tall Mount Everest look like a midget! Hellas Impact Crater Mars’ lowest point is called Hellas’ impact crater. Hellas, 7,152 mile deep impact crater makes Earth’s deepest coal mine (a measly 300 feet deep) look like it is just a scratch. Hellas is the largest impact crater in the solar system.

8 Why would I not visit Mars
Even if it was possible to go to Mars, I would not go because I would have to leave my family and friends. I would be travelling in space for about 135 days, I would get weak because the human body is not made for that kind of travel. When I came back, it would be hard to adjust to the gravity back on Earth. When I returned, I would feel like I was being crushed, because I would have gotten used to the very low gravity on Mars. The average temperature on Mars is negative degrees Fahrenheit (as shown on slide two), and that is just too cold for me!


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