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Write only your explanation and answer: Jade conducted an experiment to see which paper towel absorbs the most amount of liquid. She used several different.

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Presentation on theme: "Write only your explanation and answer: Jade conducted an experiment to see which paper towel absorbs the most amount of liquid. She used several different."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write only your explanation and answer: Jade conducted an experiment to see which paper towel absorbs the most amount of liquid. She used several different brands of paper towels and used each on to absorb 20ml of orange juice. Which part is the dependent variable? A. The type of juice used B. The amount of juice used C. How much juice is absorbed by the paper towel e. The brand of paper towel Bellwork week of 8/22/ pg. 10

2 Objectives Students will be able to describe the tools, skills, knowledge, and dispositions needed to conduct scientific inquiry. SPI 7.Inq.1 Design a simple experimental procedure with an identified control and appropriate variables. SPI 7.Inq.2 Select tools and procedures needed to conduct a moderately complex experiment. I can identify variables. I can identify controls.

3 Hot Wheels Demonstration
Watch Mrs. Guzman as she conducts an experiment. What is the thing that Mrs. Guzman changed with the set up? The height of the ramp. What changed BECAUSE Mrs. Guzman changed the height of the ramp? The Distance the car traveled.

4 #24 Independent vs. Dependent Variable
Experimental Group- group that we test. Something about them is changed.​ Control Group- nothing is changed about them.​ We compare the results of the experimental group to this group.

5 Cont… Independent Variable- What we change in the experiment. ​ Dependent Variable- the results.  What happened because of the change.​

6 Practice! Follow the instructions on the worksheet.
We will go over the first one together, and then you will attempt the rest with your group. DISCUSS with each other, don’t COPY answers. We will go over the correct answers together as a class when everyone is done.

7 Exit Ticket A group of students are conducting an experiment to see how light affects the growth of tomato plants. The group has three separate tomato plants. They place the first tomato plant in direct sunlight, the second tomato plant in constant shade, and the third tomato plant under a heat lamp. They will measure the growth of their plant over the next two weeks. What is the independent variable in the experiment?

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