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Unit 4: Memory 5.6.16.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4: Memory 5.6.16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4: Memory 5.6.16

2 Part 8 Improving Memory

3 Improving Memory Study repeatedly to boost long-term recall. Rehearsal
Effortful processing Spacing-Effect 3

4 Improving Memory Spend more time rehearsing or actively thinking about the material. New memories are weak. Exercise them and they will strengthen. Speed reading with little rehearsal yields little results – heavy lifting is required for growth. Study actively! 4

5 Improving Memory Make material personally meaningful.
Build a network of retrieval cues by taking notes in your own words Apply concepts to your own life Form images Organize the information Relate it to something you already know 5

6 Improving Memory Use mnemonic devices:
associate with peg words — something already stored make up a story Chunking Acronyms 6

7 Improving Memory Activate retrieval cues
mentally recreate the situation & mood in which you learned the material 7

8 Improving Memory Recall events while they are fresh — before you encounter misinformation Record things as they occur, not later 8

9 Improving Memory Minimize interference: Study before sleeping
Don’t schedule back-to-back study times for topics likely to interfere with one another 9

10 Improving Memory Test your own knowledge Rehearse
Outline sections on a blank page Define terms & concepts Take practice tests Determine what you do not yet know Do the process again with this info

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