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Get out a sheet of paper and prepare for the warm up

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Presentation on theme: "Get out a sheet of paper and prepare for the warm up"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get out a sheet of paper and prepare for the warm up
GOOD MORNING! Get out a sheet of paper and prepare for the warm up

2 On a separate sheet of paper…
Write down the 12 months of the year as fast as you can Now write them as fast as you can in alphabetical order

3 Storage: the retention of encoding material over time.
In terms of storing material, we have three stages of memory Sensory Memory Working Memory (short-term memory) Long-term Memory

4 Storage Maintenance Rehearsal: repeating new information over and over again Elaborative Rehearsal: connecting new information to older information Organizational systems: filing related information in an accessible way

5 Effortful learning usually requires rehearsal or conscious repetition.
Ebbinghaus studied rehearsal by using nonsense syllables: TUV YOF GEK XOZ Hermann Ebbinghaus ( )

6 Rehearsal The more times the nonsense syllables were practiced on Day 1, the fewer repetitions were required to remember them on Day 2.

7 The Third Process Retrieval: The locating and recovering of information from memory. While some memories return to us in a split second, other seemed to be hidden deeper, and still others are never “recovered” correctly.

8 Tools for Retrieval Answer the following questions using p. 158-160
What is one technique police use to help witnesses of a crime remember details? When are we most likely to remember happy memories? Why might recovering drug users have more trouble with memories if they are quitting drugs? What is the tip of the tongue phenomenon?

9 Storage: Retaining Information
Storage is at the heart of memory. Three stores of memory are shown below: Please copy the diagram under your warm-up and objective. Use color coding! Sensory Memory Working Memory Long-term Memory Encoding Events Encoding Retrieval Retrieval

10 Sensory Memory Sensory Memory Working Memory Long-term Memory Events
Encoding Events Encoding Retrieval OBJECTIVE 8| Contrast two types of sensory memory. Retrieval

11 Sensory Memory Sensory memory: The immediate initial recording of information Visual images: Iconic Memory Sounds: Echoic Memory Touch: Hepatic memory Do we have more sensory memory then we store? What about subliminal messages, or hearing your name in a crowded cafeteria? Our attention matters

12 The duration of sensory memory varies for the different senses.
Sensory Memories The duration of sensory memory varies for the different senses. Iconic 0.5 sec. long Echoic 3-4 sec. long Hepatic < 1 sec. long

13 Working Memory: Experiment Time!
Sensory Memory Working Memory Long-term Memory Encoding Events Encoding Retrieval OBJECTIVE 9| Describe the duration and working capacity of short-term memory. Retrieval

14 Working Memory Working memory, the new name for short-term memory, has a limited capacity (7±2) and a short duration (20 seconds).

15 Primacy and Recency Effects

16 Definitions Primacy: We remember the first items in a list better
Recency: We remember the last items in a list better Chunking: Organizing items into familiar or manageable units

17 Chunking F-B-I-T-W-A-C-I-A-I-B-M FBI TWA CIA IBM 4 chunks
The capacity of the working memory may be increased by “Chunking.” F-B-I-T-W-A-C-I-A-I-B-M FBI TWA CIA IBM 4 chunks

18 The duration of the working memory is about 20 sec.
Interference New memory appears and takes the place of existing short term memory CHJ MKT HIJ 547 547 544 541 CH?? The duration of the working memory is about 20 sec.

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