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Key words on Good and Evil

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1 Key words on Good and Evil
In teams, write down as many key words and meanings as you can think of!

2 Revision – Good and Evil

3 Concepts of good and evil
Natural evil: suffering caused by nature e.g. because of earthquakes, volcanoes and Floods Man-made evil: suffering caused by the actions of humans, e.g. through war, pollution, crime.

4 The Devil Some believe that Satan was an angel called Lucifer and that he rebelled against God and was thrown out of heaven. As a result, he now seeks revenge by tempting humans away from the will of God. His power, however, is allowed and limited by God. Some Christians believe that people or places can be possessed by evil and may need to be exorcised by a priest. However, not all Christians believe this…

5 The Fall and original sin
St Paul uses the term ‘original sin’ which is the evil Eve introduced to the world.

6 The problem of evil Omnipotent - If he is all powerful, why can’t he stop our suffering? Omnibenevolent – If he is all loving, why does he not care about our suffering? Omniscient – If he is all knowing, why does he know we suffer and does not do anything about it?

7 Responses to the problem of evil: Augustine and Irenaeus
Augustine blames it on the Fall Augustine sees free will as responsible for the Fall Augustine sees God judging people for heaven or hell Augustine sees suffering only as a privation (or lack) of good Irenaeus makes God responsible for evil Irenaeus allows free will so humans can grow Irenaeus sees all people as being prepared for heaven Irenaeus sees suffering as real Also remember poor Job!

8 Coping with suffering Christians believe that Jesus Christ broke the power of evil and suffering over people by his innocent suffering and death on the cross. By rising from the dead and returning to his father in heaven, Jesus gave Christians hope that the death is not then end, that people will continue to live on after death.

9 Making moral decisions
The Bible - 10 commandments in Old Testament and Jesus’ teachings in the new Testament. The Church - the Christian community e.g. vicars Conscience - Many Christians feel this is the voice of God guiding them.

10 Good and Evil God and the Devil (Satan) The Fall, Original Sin
Redemption Moral Evil sources and reasons for moral behaviour Good and Evil Augustinian Theodicy Treatment of criminals Natural Evil Iranaen Theodicy War is wrong

11 Exam practice! A01 Explain the views of one religion towards: (6 marks) ‘Explain Christian views on Original Sin’ ‘Explain how Christians explain the presence of evil in world’ Explain how some Christian respond to suffering in the world’ ‘Explain Christian views on the concept of redemption’ A02 Discussion (12 marks) Evil and suffering seriously compromises believe in a benevolent and omnipotent God’ ‘Free will explains the presence of suffering in the world’ ‘There is no such thing as evil’ ‘If people want to know have behave they should read the Bible’

12 What do you think to each others plans?
Read their plan and give it two stars and a wish. Two things good about it and a target to help them improve.

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